Feature buttons

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  • eduardofendrich
    • Jul 2021
    • 49

    Feature buttons


    I would like to know if there is any way to add feature buttons in other parts of the screen. One example: The "add document" button is displayed only within the document panel, contact area. Is there any way to show (or add another button with the same action) into the quick actions? Or any kind of toolbar?

    Thanks in advance
  • esforim
    Active Community Member
    • Jan 2020
    • 2205

    Of course there is, there is a few guide on how to create button, see emillod video for a brief summary. As for the code itself; you can make the button but if it do nothing then it isn't a button but just a "image".

    So you would need to see how EspoCRM does it, "steal the code" then copy/paste the code into your newly add button.

    You can find it somewhere in his channel: https://forum.espocrm.com/forum/deve...-do-you-think-

    Alternatively you can search for "button" in the "Wiki" here: https://github.com/o-data/EspoCRM-Le...nd-Design/wiki

