How do I get the following areas hidden? See the pictures in the appendix, the areas marked in red. They shouldn't be displayed. It's about the target lists. For contacts, companies and so on, I can hide this in sidebar details. How do I do this here?
Do not display certain items in target lists
Hello. For Target List You need:
1. Create the file /custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/scopes/TargetList.json with code as follows:
Code:{"layouts": true}
3. Refresh a webpage
4. Administration -> Layout Manager -> Target List ->:
- Bottom panels -> set dynamic conditions for the subpanels to hide them or just remove them from the layout
- Side Panels (detail) -> set dynamic conditions for the Opted Out field to hide it or just remove it from the layout
- Side Panel Field -> set dynamic conditions for the Assigned user field to hide it or just remove it from the layout
Read more about the dynamic conditions
Cange menu or hide it on the Campaigns list view requires more complex code customization. -
Hello Maximus and RSGRG I have not made this modification in our system but this is how I would do it:
1) Create file custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/clientDefs/Campaign.json to modify the original clientDefs eliminating the dropdown elements
Code:{ "menu": { "list": { "buttons": [ { "label": "Target Lists", "link": "#TargetList", "acl": "read", "style": "default", "aclScope": "TargetList" } ] } } }
Hello Maximus and telecastg,
unfortunately that didn't work. The Campaign.json file already existed in the path custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/clientDefs/. And the following code was already in the file:
Code:{ "kanbanViewMode": false, "iconClass": "fas fa-chart-line" }
Here's how I did this:
Code:{ "menu": { "list": { "buttons": [ { "label": "Target Lists", "link": "#TargetList", "acl": "read", "style": "default", "aclScope": "TargetList" } ], "dropdown": [ ] } }, "boolFilterList": ["onlyMy"], "iconClass": "fas fa-chart-line" }
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