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array_value too long / Search on multi enum KO

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  • array_value too long / Search on multi enum KO

    Hi there
    i'm running an old version of Espocrm (and cannot upgrade it now)

    I have an issue on a Multi Enum that contains "long value"

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture d’écran 2021-05-26 à 16.08.56.jpeg
Views:	488
Size:	57.9 KB
ID:	71168

    I would like to search all contacts matching "Analyses basiques de la qualité de l'eau (pH, chlore, turbidité, aluminium, arsenic, colilert) / Basic analysis of water quality (pH, chlorine, turbidity, aluminum, arsenic, colilert)"

    the SQL statement is

    [2021-05-26 14:05:29] Espo.DEBUG: SQL: SELECT DISTINCT AS `id`, contact.assigned_user_id AS `assignedUserId`, contact.created_by_id AS `createdById`, contact.type_de_contact AS `typeDeContact`, contact.salutation_name AS `salutationName`, contact.first_name AS `firstName`, contact.last_name AS `lastName`, TRIM(CONCAT(IFNULL(contact.first_name, ''), ' ', IFNULL(contact.last_name, ''))) AS `name`, LEFT(contact.observations_fondation, 5000) AS `observationsFondation`, contact.societe AS `societe`, contact.poste AS `poste`, emailAddresses.opt_out AS `emailAddressIsOptedOut`, AS `emailAddress`, contact.created_at AS `createdAt`, contact.account_id AS `accountId`, AS `accountName` FROM `contact` LEFT JOIN `account` AS `account` ON contact.account_id = LEFT JOIN `array_value` AS `arrayFilter43637` ON arrayFilter43637.entity_id = AND arrayFilter43637.entity_type = 'Contact' AND arrayFilter43637.attribute = 'multiCompetenceEau' LEFT JOIN `entity_email_address` AS `emailAddressesMiddle` ON = emailAddressesMiddle.entity_id AND emailAddressesMiddle.deleted = '0' AND emailAddressesMiddle.primary = '1' AND emailAddressesMiddle.entity_type = 'Contact' LEFT JOIN `email_address` AS `emailAddresses` ON = emailAddressesMiddle.email_address_id AND emailAddresses.deleted = '0' [B]WHERE (arrayFilter43637.value IN ('Analyses basiques de la qualité de l\'eau (pH, chlore, turbidité, aluminium, arsenic, colilert) / Basic analysis of water quality (pH, chlorine, turbidity, aluminum, arsenic, colilert)'))[/B] AND contact.deleted = '0' ORDER BY contact.created_at DESC LIMIT 0, 200 [] []
    but it seems to be truncated in the table
    | 6071ff228836687f7 |       0 | Analyses basiques de la qualité de l'eau (pH, chlore, turbidité, aluminium, arsenic, colilert) / Bas   | multiCompetenceEau | 6071ff228086c8017 | Contact     |

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture d’écran 2021-05-26 à 16.11.49.jpeg
Views:	307
Size:	71.4 KB
ID:	71171

    in my json custom file Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/entityDefs/Contact.json , it seems to be ok

    "multiCompetenceEau": {
    "type": "multiEnum",
    "storeArrayValues": true,
    "required": false,
    "options": [
    "Analyses basiques de la qualité de l'eau (pH, chlore, turbidité, aluminium, arsenic, colilert) / Basic analysis of water quality (pH, chlorine, turbidity, aluminum, arsenic, colilert)",
    "Analyses complexes de la qualité de l'eau (hydrocarbures, dénombrement bactérien ...) / Advanced analyses of water quality (hydrocarbons, bacterial count, etc.)",
    "Analyses basiques des effluents et boues (DCO, DBO, MES, siccité...) / Basic analyses of effluent and sludge (COD, BOD, SS, dessication, etc.)",
    "Dimensionnement de réseau AEP / Drinking water supply network sizing design",
    "Dimensionnement de réseau ASST / Waste water system network sizingdesign",
    Any idea?
    If you have already a fix and that i can backport it easily to my espo version.. thanks for your help!
    Attached Files

  • #2
    as i see, it's only 100char length
    maybe this param : "maxLength": 255 .. and make a rebuild for see if len of field is more in mysql.
    but it's multiEnum so .. i think you need rewrite these field because if the user select 2 value like this

    there are always with these kind of field : what in database and what user see.


    • #3
      I recommend having shorter option values with longer translations. The length of 100 was set for the compatibility with older database engine versions. Changing it to a larger number now will may cause the upgrade process running long.
      Last edited by yuri; 05-27-2021, 06:15 AM.


      • #4
        I checked that we have the max length attribute not allowing to create options longer than 100 via UI. So this issue should not have been posted as a bug.


        • #5
          Yep, right now, we cannot create longer option than 100characters but previously, it was not the case (that's why i'm in that inconsistency state between the value of the Contact.json and the real entry in the table)

          Is it an option to resize the `value` attribute in the db ?
          Last edited by wtconseil; 05-27-2021, 08:50 AM.


          • #6
            Currently, for my multiEnum attribute called multiCompetenceEau , i can see all the rows in the table `array_value` but i can see also that we still have this attribute in Contact table (with a string that seems to be an array of value). It is a legacy attribute that i can delete because we only need for now `array_value` table ?


            • #7
              > It is a legacy attribute that i can delete because we only need for now `array_value` table ?

              Can't be deleted. It's used for quicker read.


              • #8

                You can set a bigger value in custom metadata. Then rebuild.


                • #9
                  Ok thx
                  this attribute in Contact table seems to have the full value
                  mysql> select id, multi_competence_eau from contact where id='6093af6c91f4822a8'\G;
                  *************************** 1. row ***************************
                  id: 6093af6c91f4822a8
                  multi_competence_eau: ["Analyses basiques de la qualité de l'eau (pH, chlore, turbidité, aluminium, arsenic, colilert) \/ Basic analysis of water quality (pH, chlorine, turbidity, aluminum, arsenic, colilert)","Dimensionnement\/design d'usines de production d'eau potable \/ Water production treatment plant sizing\/design","Electromécanique \/ Electromechanical engineering"]
                  1 row in set (0.00 sec)
                  Do you think i can just Alter array_value table to set value attribut as a MEDIUM TEXT ?

                  like it is currently used for Contact
                  | multi_competence_eau | mediumtext | YES | | NULL | |

                  Then, i could just update array_value -> value attribute to replace strip text by full text value so.. the search can match when trying to do
                  LEFT JOIN `array_value` AS `arrayFilter43637` ON arrayFilter43637.entity_id = AND arrayFilter43637.entity_type = 'Contact' AND arrayFilter43637.attribute = 'multiCompetenceEau' LEFT JOIN `entity_email_address` AS `emailAddressesMiddle` ON = emailAddressesMiddle.entity_id AND emailAddressesMiddle.deleted = '0' AND emailAddressesMiddle.primary = '1' AND emailAddressesMiddle.entity_type = 'Contact' LEFT JOIN `email_address` AS `emailAddresses` ON = emailAddressesMiddle.email_address_id AND emailAddresses.deleted = '0' [B]WHERE (arrayFilter43637.value IN ('Analyses basiques de la qualité de l\'eau (pH, chlore, turbidité, aluminium, arsenic, colilert) / Basic analysis of water quality (pH, chlorine, turbidity, aluminum, arsenic, colilert)'))[/B] AND contact.deleted = '0' ORDER BY contact.created_at
                  Sorry to disturb you with that... i didn't model myself the multi Enum value but it was a business Analyst..
                  and now, i know that i would like to have "small value without all that paranthesis , dash, slash.." but it's quick tricky to update some bunch of text in MEDIUMTEXT contains some kinds of arrays

                  I think that Altering array_value table to set value attribut as a MEDIUM TEXT would be the easiest way (+update the rows with full text)
                  but i need your expertise to think about the impact..

                  Thanks for your kind support!


                  • #10
                    Thanks for pointing the file
                    I rebuild and now, it's 255 characters.

                    mysql> update array_value set value='Analyses basiques de la qualité de l\'eau (pH, chlore, turbidité, aluminium, arsenic, colilert) / Basic analysis of water quality (pH, chlorine, turbidity, aluminum, arsenic, colilert)' where value = 'Analyses basiques de la qualité de l\'eau (pH, chlore, turbidité, aluminium, arsenic, colilert) / Bas';
                    Query OK, 298 rows affected (0.03 sec)
                    Rows matched: 298 Changed: 298 Warnings: 0
                    it works.
                    I will try to run those statements to fix the issue but yes.. need definitively to have some smaller values

                    Thanks for your prompt support and top quality answer, as always!

