Hi, in administrator you can configure the user interface (menu and alike). I use this quite heavily and would like to know in which database table this configuration is saved.
Searching the database table for user interface
tableName = preferences
fieldName : data : is json format like :
HTML Code:{ "id": "5c3sdew6f42f947DFDS", "timeZone": "", "dateFormat": "DD\/MM\/YYYY", "timeFormat": "", "weekStart": -1, "defaultCurrency": "", "thousandSeparator": "", "decimalMark": ".", "dashboardLayout": [ { "name": "My Espo", "layout": [
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Hello, unfortunately that table is only the preference like time zone, language etc, which you find in administrator under settings. What I am looking for is the configuration of the user interface, where you set the logo, the menu order and some other items.Comment