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How can I remove a field from an entity?

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  • How can I remove a field from an entity?

    In all the entities to fill in the form below, the assigned user appears teams, I want to remove this from my form, can someone tell me if it is possible to do this, and if so, how can I do it

  • #2
    If your entity is custom (you added it from entity manager) then you can do that as following:

    Go to custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/entityDefs/{YourEntityName}.json

    Remove "assignedUser" from fields, links & indexes

    You must be careful when removing it so you keep the json file correct formatted, if not sure about this you can paste your entityDefs file here and we will help
    CEO of Eblasoft
    EspoCRM Expert since 2014
    Full Stack Web Developer since 2008
    Creator of Numerous Successful Extensions & Projects​


    • #3
      I think it's possible to remove "assigned user" and "teams", but for each Entity separately.
      Step 1. Go to
      Administration > Entity Manager > Entity which you want > Layouts
      Step 2. Do disable which you want
      In "Layouts" select a "Side Panel Field" and do disable "Assigned user" and "Teams".


      • #4

        Thanks, the entity is not custom, I didn't find the designs option either, but using dynamic logic I was able to do it. I wanted to remove this from the form since it was not very useful to have it, because if I assign a case or some other assignment, it does not send email notification to the team members, and a notification within the CRM does not seem enough to me, any idea of why does this happen?


        • #5
          the design option you will find under Layout Manager. But this only hides the field, but does not remove it from the entity. Sometimes that is enough, sometimes not.
          When notifications or emails are not sent, maybe because you did not set-up the cron job.


          • #6

            The cron configures it, individual assignments if they are sent, because if I send a user separately if they send assignment mail, the problem occurs when it is in a team, it does not send any member of the team, it is because they are more than one user ?, are there any special settings for this?


            • #7
              What about role of this team? Maybe you don't give a permission for this action.
              Last edited by DEN; 04-20-2021, 01:53 PM.


              • clara
                clara commented
                Editing a comment
                They have access to everything, he created it to make it easier to assign tasks to everyone, it also happened to me yesterday in a meeting that he believed notified the assigned user but not the attendees

            • #8
              Hello Clara,
              So, if you want that all team see the your notification, you can use the Workflow.
              For example, create the Workflow:
              1.Administration > Workflows
              Target entity - Task
              Trigger Type - After record saved (created or updated)
              Actions - Create Notification
              Users of specified teams - A Team
              Now, all in your team can see the notification about the new task.


              • clara
                clara commented
                Editing a comment
                All versions of espocrm bring workflow?, Because I can't find it in administration.
                or just a plus version?

            • #9

              The Workflow and BPM available only in Advanced pack. It is very convenient to build the complex logical business processes, or writing simple working formulas.
              Detail here:
              Last edited by DEN; 04-26-2021, 08:50 AM.

