Add Tasks to Product entity
Tips on your "standard way" request:
1. Create the file /custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/clientDefs/Product.json:
Code:{ "sidePanels": { "detail": [ { "name": "tasks", "label": "Tasks", "view": "crm:views/record/panels/tasks", "aclScope": "Task" } ] } }
Code:{ "fields": { //possible custom fields description }, "links": { "tasks": { "type": "hasChildren", "entity": "Task", "foreign": "parent", "layoutRelationshipsDisabled": true } } }
4. Reload a web page
Perhaps you will also need to open Administration -> Entity Manager -> Taks -> Relationship -> Children-to-Parent relationship -> Edit -> add Products to the Parent Entity Types scope/Leave a comment:
Ok, that is the answer. The "standard way" is it look like in contact entity. Thank youLeave a comment:
Hi Jakub,
What do you mean under the 'standard way'?
Anyway, if you want the Task's side panel to look like in the Contact entity, then you need to add it via the code.Leave a comment:
Thank you, it is possible, but I would like to know if there is standard way to enable it.Leave a comment:
I think it is possible to do this by the following workaround:
Step 1, Create Relationship.
Administration >Entity Manager >Product>Relationships>Many-to-Many>Tasks, check the box 'Link Multiple Field';
Step 2, Add this field to the layout.
Administration >Entity Manager >Product>Layouts> Side Pannel Fields.Leave a comment:
Add Tasks to Product entity
Is it possible to add Tasks side panel to Product entity?Tags: None
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