Web-to-lead capturing home and mobile number : store data to field with list optins

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  • timconsidine
    Junior Member
    • Mar 2016
    • 11

    Web-to-lead capturing home and mobile number : store data to field with list optins

    I am making use of the excellent web-to-lead facility and instructions using web browser only code (https://docs.espocrm.com/administration/web-to-lead/)
    Working fine for "standard" fields, but I want to capture both home and phone fields.
    I've adjusted the form to do so, but I am not sure of the syntax/format to use for the payload in the script.
    var payloadData = {
    firstName: webToLeadFormElement.firstName.value,
    lastName: webToLeadFormElement.lastName.value,
    emailAddress: webToLeadFormElement.emailAddress.value,
    phoneNumber['Home']: webToLeadFormElement.phoneNumber.value
    phoneNumber['Mobile']: webToLeadFormElement.mobileNumber.value
    But my guess for phoneNumber['Home'] doesn't work
    I can't trace in the forum or documentation how to reference a list item in a field

    Any help please ?
    Many thanks.
  • item
    Active Community Member
    • Mar 2017
    • 1476


    see this :

    PHP Code:
    $o = (object) [ 'phoneNumber' => $phoneMobile, 'type' => 'Mobile', 'primary' => true,];
    $phoneNumberData[] = $o;
    $o = (object) [ 'phoneNumber' => $phoneHome, 'type' => 'Home', 'primary' => false,];
    $phoneNumberData[] = $o; 
    and then save as :

    'phoneNumberData' => $phoneNumberData,
    If you could give the project a star on GitHub. EspoCrm believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.​


    • timconsidine
      Junior Member
      • Mar 2016
      • 11

      Ah ok, thank you
      So the data is passed as an object.
      Still struggling with this as javascript in the browser (don't have PHP on the webserver as it is going into a static HUGO site)


      • timconsidine
        Junior Member
        • Mar 2016
        • 11

        This gives me 500 error from espo web-to-lead link
        phoneNumber: {
        "phoneNumber": webToLeadFormElement.phoneNumber.value,
        "type": "Home",
        "primary": true},
        phoneNumber: {
        "phoneNumber": webToLeadFormElement.mobileNumber.value,
        "type": "Mobile",
        "primary": false}


        • timconsidine
          Junior Member
          • Mar 2016
          • 11

          Also (i think) related
          I have a custom field contactType defined as a checklist with four options
          I would like to add this to the web-to-lead payload something like this
          (no wed form input element, static value determined by the page the visitor is on)
          var payloadData = {
              contactType: "Type 2",
          But doesn't seem to work.
          What is the correct syntax for assigning a value to e.g. the 2nd item in a checklist ?


          • item
            Active Community Member
            • Mar 2017
            • 1476

            emum is as a string : name => 'coucou' .. .so for enum : enumfield => 'value'

            for phoneNumber.. it's not as you have write. i give sample for back-end how is.

            for one phone : phoneNumber => 'value'

            but you have 2 phone, so i think you must send from client side data so to api and respect "phoneNumberData" as name of fieldData :

            phoneNumberData => { [phoneNumber => .... ], [ phoneNumber] => ... }

            If you could give the project a star on GitHub. EspoCrm believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.​


            • timconsidine
              Junior Member
              • Mar 2016
              • 11

              Thank you, that's interesting you say it should be phoneNumberData

              Originally posted by item
              so i think you must send from client side data so to api and respect "phoneNumberData" as name of fieldData :

              phoneNumberData => { [phoneNumber => .... ], [ phoneNumber] => ... }
              The Lead Capture page in Administration says the payload should be just "phoneNumber":
                "firstName": "FIRST_NAME",
                "lastName": "LAST_NAME",
                "emailAddress": "EMAIL_ADDRESS",
                "addressStreet": "ADDRESS_STREET",
                "addressStreet2": "ADDRESS_STREET2",
                "addressCity": "ADDRESS_CITY",
                "addressPostalCode": "ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE",
                "addressState": "ADDRESS_STATE",
                "addressCountry": "ADDRESS_COUNTRY",
                "phoneNumber": "PHONE_NUMBER",     <----
                "facebook": "FACEBOOK",
                "twitter": "TWITTER",
                "description": "DESCRIPTION",
                "dateofbirth": DATEOFBIRTH
              Let me try your approach.

              Does the syntax " phoneNumber => 'value' " work in Javascript on a web page ?
              Last edited by timconsidine; 03-07-2021, 08:13 AM.


              • item
                Active Community Member
                • Mar 2017
                • 1476

                yes , phoneNumber => '0345566'. must work,

                but as you have multiple phoneNumber, you need to send as array and as phoneNumberData field.
                open googlechrome (F12), and see payload when you add multiple phonefield.
                If you could give the project a star on GitHub. EspoCrm believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.​

