Hello, every time I send an email, I have to try several times before being able to do so. Infact I receive several times the message "error mail sending" How can I solve it? Thank you
Invio email
Thanks Maximus,
the error message is always the following
Espo.ERROR: CronManager: Failed job running, job [602a57b710ca415eb]. Error Details: Job CheckEmailAccounts 5fc615221431b6b01: [0] cannot connect to host ; error = fsockopen(): unable to connect to ssl://imaps.aruba.it:993 (Unknown error) (errno = 0 ) at /var/www/html/espocrm/application/Espo/Modules/Crm/Jobs/CheckEmailAccounts.php:74
I checked the connection parameters and they are correct
I just have a few tips:
1. Check whether imaps.aruba.it:993 is the appropriate Host and Port for your SMTP connection.
2. Check whether there are some configs that should be set up on the aruba.it side.
3. Check whether you don't have this domain in the Firewall filter settings.Comment