My colleague's list view filter does not work and he try remove it and create again. Then it becomes the case in the attached image (a filter name changed to f709189 and no remove filter option is available). How can we remove this strange filter?
Remove filter in list view
It is a pretty old version. I believe your Advanced Pack version has the same age. Probably there was a bug that already fixed.
You can try to remove this filter manually. Just open a /custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/clientDefs/your-entity-name.json and manually remove this filter from it. After, clear the system cache (Administration -> Clear Cache) and refresh a webpage.
I thought that filter was created with a Report feature If so it should plugged to your entity in the /custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/clientDefs/your-entity-name.json file.
Also, if your filter was created manually with this way, it should be defined in the JSON file as well.Comment
Hi Vincent,
I get about what filter you are talking about)) So the user custom list view filter settings should be stored in the DB -> table `preferences` -> column `data`.
Note, the `data` column stores a whole preferences information about a particular user, so be very careful by removing the information about the broken filter from it. Also after editing this data in the DB, you need to make rebuild.
Please make a DB dump before you tried to fix it