Problem with Relationship between three foreign Entities

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  • gustavgraz
    Hey Maximus, thank you!

    Only saw your post after posting my solution. I think my solution was pretty much the same as you described! Thanks for your efforts!

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  • gustavgraz
    Found a way to realise it:

    As the needed foreing field in the dropdown of entity 1 (Personen) does not show up, I created an additional text field in entity 1.

    Text field: "zustaendig"

    Formula in the entity 1 (Personen)
    zustaendig =;

    As "zustaendig" is a text field and not a foreign field, it can be used in the next entity as a foreign field.

    Entity 3 (zustaendige Personen)
    I create a foreign field:
    "zustaendigkeit" with Link "Personen" and field "zustaendig"

    If there is a shorter way to realise, please let me know!

    Thank you!

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  • Maximus
    The link-type field is not supported to be selected in the foreign type field.
    As a simple workaround you can do the next:
    1. In entity 1, you can create a Varchar type filed;
    2. Add Formula for entity 1 to push the entity 2 name to this field;
    3. In entity 3 create the Foreign type field to fetch this varchar field.

    Note: using this way will let you only see the name of the Entity 2 that means this field will not be the link. If you want to have a link you can create a more tricky workaround by utilizing the WYSIWYG type field.

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  • Problem with Relationship between three foreign Entities


    Advanced Pack

    I have three foreign entities:

    Entity 1: "Personen"
    The records in "Personen" need a field "Zustaendigkeit". It could be a drop down field, but there are too many records in it to chose from, so it has to be a separate foreign entity.

    So Entity 2 is: "Zustaendigkeit"
    only one field with many records.

    Relationship Entity 1 to Entity 2: One-to-One Right

    So far so good.

    Entity 3 is for example "zustaendige Personen" (there are also several other fields in it)

    Entity 3 has no relationship to Entity 2 (Zustaendigkeit)

    Relationship Entity 3 (zustaendige Personen) to Entity 1 (Personen): One-to-One Right

    Now I try to create a foreign field (Fremdbezug) in Entity 3 (zustaendige Personen) with the Link "Personen" and the field "Zustaendigkeit", to have this information in the records of Entity 3.
    But there is no field "Zuständigkeit" to select in the field dropdown.
    There are all the other fields from the Identity 1 (Personen) in the dropdown, but not the field "Zustaendigkeit".

    What am I doing wrong?

    Thank you for your advice and patience, I am learning!
