Will it be possible to access these labels /every label/ through Admin panel in a future upgrade?
Translation is such a hassel in Espo .. and it won't apply in every case :
See here, in the admin Afficher (display) Meetings, Calls, Tasks are in french - but not in the user window, on the right, where they are shown in English
Does one have a suggestion on which label/field editing to have a coherent display?
Layout manager panel name translation
Sorry yurikuzn,
My mistake... i was editing the wrong file.
It´s working perfectly,
Nuno Silva
Thanks yurikuzn ,
I have followed your instruction but it´s not working, on the step nº2 the ENTITY_TYPE.json file is empty (en_GB)
It´s very strange because i have been translating the UK language on the backoffice system.
I am maybe doing something wrong,
Nuno SilvaLast edited by nunos; 05-18-2020, 04:40 PM.Leave a comment:
Hi Nuno,
It's not possible to translate custom labels via UI.
1. Edit your layout manually: custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/layouts/YOUR_ENTITY_TYPE/detail.json
Change "customLabel" to "label".
"customLabel": "Test"
"label": "Test"
2. Edit language file: custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/i18n/NEEDED_LANGUAGE/YOUR_ENTITY_TYPE.json
Add into "labels" section:
Code:{ "labels": { "Test": "Test Translation" } }
3. Clear cache.
Note: If you edit the panel of your layout again (in Layout Manager) you will need to do step 1 again.Leave a comment:
Layout manager panel name translation
Hi all,
I am looking to translate the panels names under the entity layout manager.
I have looked on the label manager menu but can´t find where the panel names are.
Anyone managed to translate it?
Nuno SilvaTags: None
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