Recieving 500 error while rebuilding database when creating a new field

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  • rfinch
    Junior Member
    • May 2020
    • 1

    Recieving 500 error while rebuilding database when creating a new field

    I am trying to create a new field and recieve the 500 error rebuilding database. This happens with any field type we are trying to create.

    [2020-04-22 15:03:00] Espo.ERROR: Fault to rebuild database schema. Details: Unknown database type bit requested, Espo\Core\Utils\Database\DBAL\Platforms\MySqlPlatf orm may not support it. [] [] [2020-04-22 15:03:01] Espo.ERROR: API [POST]:/Admin/fieldManager/:scope, Params:Array ( [scope] => Location ) , InputData: {"type":"url","required":false,"dynamicLogicVisibl e":null,"dynamicLogicRequired":null,"dynamicLogicR eadOnly":null,"name":"virtualTour","label":"Virtua l Tour","tooltipText":"","default":"","maxLength":nu ll,"audited":false,"readOnly":false,"tooltip":fals e} - Error while rebuilding database. See log file for details. [] [] [2020-04-22 15:03:01] Espo.ERROR: Display Error: Error while rebuilding database. See log file for details., Code: 500 URL: /api/v1/Admin/fieldManager/Location [] []
  • item
    Active Community Member
    • Mar 2017
    • 1476

    Sorry, bad post
    what is your server php database type version ?
    Last edited by item; 05-06-2020, 10:51 PM.
    If you could give the project a star on GitHub. EspoCrm believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.​


    • shalmaxb
      Senior Member
      • Mar 2015
      • 1606

      I had the same error recently. I am using the Real Estate Extension an modified some things. Suddenly the error "Unknown database type bit requested" appeared, causing that I wasn`t able anymore to set new custom fields nor changing existing. I had a look around in the web and found a solution in a discussion about Doctrine, which is part of ESPOcrm too.

      Following the hint in another forum about Doctrine, I extended the Type Mapping list in this file: \vendor\doctrine\dbal\lib\Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\ MySqlPlatform.php around line 780 with 'bit' => 'boolean',
      This worked for me and the error disappeared. I am able now to use ESPOcrm normally, everything is working.

      It would be nice, if one of the developers could confirm, that doing this is correct an perhaps should be integrated in the next version.

