I have data in my system, but when I add a dashlet (regardless of which one) the dashlet window displays "no data". I can go to the Oppurtunities page, and see both the list and stage graphics. However, upon creating the dashlet, it says no data. permissions issue? This seems to be a new issue, and I really can imagine where anything would have been changed, as the configuration has been done completely within the CRM Admin panels. Suggestions please?
struggling with dashlets
Tags: None
Hi Damon,
I've reproduced your issue by removing the 'Stage Probabilities (%)' parameters for the stage field (Administration -> Entity Manager -> Opportunity -> Fields -> stage). Restore values and try to reproduce again. Set the 'Date Filter' -> 'Ever' in the dashlet options to be able to see all your opportunities will be shown in the dashlet. -
I have navigated to your described location. This is what I see at the moment They are blank, so what am I marrying them to?. Thanks again for your help.
1 PhotoComment
I did get that to work, but can you tell me why I cant get the stages to line up according to their number? Also it is not displaying the Closed Won or Closed Lost in the dashlet1 PhotoComment
In the same thread,is there a flag or dashlet configuration point that will allow me to click on a "bar" within the dashlet that will take me to the associated list view? Dashlet>Prospecting bar>click on bar yields Prospecting List within opportunities?
1. The stage order depends on how they ordered in the Options parameter. Fix it in Administation -> Entity Manager -> Opportunity -> Fields -> Stage -> Options.
2. If you want to see the apropriate opportunities list by clicking on the 'stage' bar you need to develop it. If you have got Advanced Pack you can investigate how it performs for theReport dashlet:
- /application/Espo/Modules/Advanced/Resources/metadata/dashlets/Report.json
- /client/modules/advanced/src/views/dashlets/report.js
- /client/modules/advanced/src/views/dashlets/options/report.js
3. Closed Won or Closed Lost shouldn't be shown on this dashlet.Comment