Hi All
When selecting Teams as the order in list view for Contacts we get the following error
ERROR: (500) Order by non-existing field 'teams'
All other List tags work fine.
Error is as follows
Espo.ERROR: (500) Order by non-existing field 'teams'.; GET /api/v1/Contact?select=salutationName%2CfirstName%2ClastNa me%2CmiddleName%2Cname%2Csecretary%2Cspeciality%2C accountId%2CaccountName%2CteamsIds%2CteamsNames%2C emailAddressIsOptedOut%2CemailAddress%2CemailAddre ssData%2CphoneNumberIsOptedOut%2CphoneNumber%2Cpho neNumberData&maxSize=30&offset=0&orderBy=teams&ord er=desc; line: 199, file: /homepages/34/d802085020/htdocs/company/application/Espo/Core/SelectManagers/Base.php [] []
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
I will keep looking for the issues.
Update: "The only thing I can think of is that there is no Relationship between Contacts and Teams"
Thank you in advance.
When selecting Teams as the order in list view for Contacts we get the following error
ERROR: (500) Order by non-existing field 'teams'
All other List tags work fine.
Error is as follows
Espo.ERROR: (500) Order by non-existing field 'teams'.; GET /api/v1/Contact?select=salutationName%2CfirstName%2ClastNa me%2CmiddleName%2Cname%2Csecretary%2Cspeciality%2C accountId%2CaccountName%2CteamsIds%2CteamsNames%2C emailAddressIsOptedOut%2CemailAddress%2CemailAddre ssData%2CphoneNumberIsOptedOut%2CphoneNumber%2Cpho neNumberData&maxSize=30&offset=0&orderBy=teams&ord er=desc; line: 199, file: /homepages/34/d802085020/htdocs/company/application/Espo/Core/SelectManagers/Base.php [] []
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
I will keep looking for the issues.
Update: "The only thing I can think of is that there is no Relationship between Contacts and Teams"
Thank you in advance.