ERROR: (500) Order by non-existing field 'teams'

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  • MATO
    • Jun 2019
    • 98

    ERROR: (500) Order by non-existing field 'teams'

    Hi All

    When selecting Teams as the order in list view for Contacts we get the following error

    ERROR: (500) Order by non-existing field 'teams'

    All other List tags work fine.

    Error is as follows

    Espo.ERROR: (500) Order by non-existing field 'teams'.; GET /api/v1/Contact?select=salutationName%2CfirstName%2ClastNa me%2CmiddleName%2Cname%2Csecretary%2Cspeciality%2C accountId%2CaccountName%2CteamsIds%2CteamsNames%2C emailAddressIsOptedOut%2CemailAddress%2CemailAddre ssData%2CphoneNumberIsOptedOut%2CphoneNumber%2Cpho neNumberData&maxSize=30&offset=0&orderBy=teams&ord er=desc; line: 199, file: /homepages/34/d802085020/htdocs/company/application/Espo/Core/SelectManagers/Base.php [] []

    Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

    I will keep looking for the issues.

    Update: "The only thing I can think of is that there is no Relationship between Contacts and Teams"

    Thank you in advance.

    Last edited by MATO; 03-04-2020, 01:23 PM.
  • yuri
    • Mar 2014
    • 8454


    Order by link multiple field is not supported. It's not sortable by default. You need to disable it in layout manager.
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    • MATO
      • Jun 2019
      • 98

      Thank you yurikuzn

      Managers wanted to see contacts by Teams - I will export the details


      • esforim
        esforim commented
        Editing a comment
        Perhaps it is possible with Report, but that a paid app.