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Name field not appears as link

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  • Name field not appears as link

    Hello, I have created several entities and everything has gone very well, except for one.
    In this entity, the name field is not shown as a link in the list view.
    The button to choose fields to filter by doesn't work either.
    However, in the Kanban view, the link does appear.

    Any ideas other than re-creating the entity?

    Thank you.

  • #2
    Hey, I was able to fix the problem. In the file list.json, for the field name I had to add the "link" property :
    "name": "name",
    "link": true,
    "align": "left"

    Regarding the search, the file filters.json did not exist.


    • #3

      Did you by any chance untick the "Link" option? If it not tick then it won't "Link", meaning it will just be a text, if you enable Link then you can click on it to open the record/entity.

      How to check this or enable for other field? Example:


      If the Enable area, hover over a field such as Name. On the right side of name there should be a "Pencil" icon, click on that for a popup. Enable (or disable) Link, Save.


      • #4
        Hi salvix,
        In the future, it is quite easy to enable by an espcrm suggestion. Please, investigate an example in screenshots below:
        Attached Files


        • esforim
          esforim commented
          Editing a comment
          Yes, those screenshot look good. I didn't feel like editing so just typed instead.