Email attachement to (link) in documents dash

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  • mbrouwer
    Junior Member
    • Jan 2018
    • 21

    Email attachement to (link) in documents dash

    Hi all,

    When emails with attachment are send to espocrm these are not listed in the documents list of the account.

    Is this possible or is it maybe a feature request, I think it is a added value when attachment of emails are in the overview list instead of searching all emails for some document.

    Let me know, what the options are?

  • esforim
    Active Community Member
    • Jan 2020
    • 2205

    I believe right now you need to download the attachment, then upload it to Documents then relationship link it to wherever you want. It is not possible at the moment to automate it.

    It may be possible via workflow but I do not have that package so not sure. It would need to be a feature request at this point in time unless what I said is wrong.


    • Maximus
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2018
      • 2731

      if you want to see whether an email has an attachment from the list view you can make this few easy steps:
      1. Open the file /custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/scopes/Email.json.
      2. Add to the code the next parameter: "layouts": true
      It should looks like this:
          "stream": false,
          "disabled": false,
          "statusField": null,
      [COLOR=#FF0000]    "layouts": true[/COLOR]
      3. Go Administration -> Clear Cache
      4. Reload a web page
      5. Go Administration -> Layout Manager -> Emails -> List -> drag and drop the 'Attachments' field.
      6. In the same area (Administration -> Layout Manager -> Emails) open Search Filters -> drag and drop the 'Attachments' field.
      7. Reload a web page
      8. Go on the Email list view and check the Attachments column. If you have a lot of emails, you can use a search filter as on the screenshot.

      If you need to have this data in a dashlet, I think you need to change a code in this file /application/Espo/Resources/metadata/dashlets/Emails.json.
      Attached Files
      Last edited by Maximus; 01-30-2020, 09:10 AM.


      • Maximus
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2018
        • 2731

        For dashlet do this:
        1. Create the file /var/www/html/577/custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/dashlets/Emails.json (note: if the dashlet directory doesn't exist, then you should create it).
        2. Add to the Email.json file this code:
            "options": {
                "defaults": {
                    "expandedLayout": {
                        "rows": [
                                    "name": "attachments"
        3. Clear cache in the Administrations and reload a web page.
        It should looks like on the attachment:
        Attached Files


        • esforim
          Active Community Member
          • Jan 2020
          • 2205

          I probably wouldn't want all Attachment to be link as you might get useless unwanted attachment (such as logo.png or phone.png icon). But a quick, "save as documents" would be handy, or attached it to this Case, or Attach it to case Opportunities, etc.

          But these are just feature request that might already been listed, just not implement.


          My question is: how to I make email layout attach field show up on top? It rather annoying having to scroll down to the end of the email to find the attachment.

          Discussion: do you like the email attachment field location at the moment?


          • Maximus
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2018
            • 2731

            > how to I make email layout attach field show up on top? It rather annoying having to scroll down to the end of the email to find the attachment.
            There is no such an ability to make it sortable by an 'attachment' field w/o code development. It is better to use filters.
            > do you like the email attachment field location at the moment?
            What do you mean?


            • mbrouwer
              Junior Member
              • Jan 2018
              • 21

              Thanks to all for your comments and great ideas.
              Apparently it is not possible the way i meant it...

              When i send out invoices the email goes into espocrm, so the email with it's invoice can always be found.
              I thought it would be a nice feature when the attachement is put in the document list on the account page.

              I know also understand that it is in some circumstances not handy when all attachements are in the document list.
              Maybe this feature is in the sales pack of espocrm, i use a different invoicing system.

              I think it is OK that attachement location is at the bottom, first all relevant account info and the email text. Then any attachement which are an addition to the email.
              So if you understand the email you don't need the attachement. But ofcourse it is all personal.. the way how to read/write and how to interpret.



              • esforim
                Active Community Member
                • Jan 2020
                • 2205

                Originally posted by Maximus
                > how to I make email layout attach field show up on top? It rather annoying having to scroll down to the end of the email to find the attachment.
                There is no such an ability to make it sortable by an 'attachment' field w/o code development. It is better to use filters.
                > do you like the email attachment field location at the moment?
                What do you mean?
                Sorry I didn't notice your reply. Here is what I mean, see screenshot. It OK if the email is short but as the Reply chain go on, it very annoying to scroll to the bottom of the page to send an attachment.

                My two question was, how to edit the code to move the button to the top. And second question was, "do you like that button on the bottom like it currently is", in which mbrouwer say he don't mind it is like that.

                Click image for larger version  Name:	Email attachment location_edit.png Views:	0 Size:	92.6 KB ID:	56515


                • esforim
                  Active Community Member
                  • Jan 2020
                  • 2205

                  Hi guys, this might be of interest to you. v5.9.0 will finally be able to "import" email attachment to a Document files (so no need to download email attachment file, then upload it again to Document)


                  • Maximus
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2018
                    • 2731

                    Hi esforim, mbrouwer
                    Here is how it is possible to replace the Attachments row above the Subject line:

                    In compose-small email view (see screenshot):
                    1. Open the file /application/Espo/Resources/layouts/Email/composeSmall.json.
                    2. Replace the Attachment row above Subject:
                        "rows": [
                                    "name": "parent"
                    [COLOR=#FF0000]        [{"name":"attachments"}, {"name":"isHtml"}],[/COLOR]
                            [{"name":"subject","fullWidth": true}],
                            [{"name":"body","fullWidth": true}]
                    3. Clear cache and refresh a web page.

                    In email view (see screenshot):
                    1. Open the file /application/Espo/Resources/layouts/Email/detailRestricted.json.
                    2. Replace the Attachment row above Subject:
                                [{"name":"status", "readOnly": true},{"name":"from", "readOnly": true}],
                                [{"name":"dateSent", "readOnly": true}, {"name":"to", "readOnly": true}],
                                [{"name":"parent"}, {"name":"cc", "readOnly": true}],
                    [COLOR=#FF0000]           [{"name":"attachments", "readOnly": true, "fullWidth":true, "customLabel": ""}],[/COLOR]
                                [false, {"name":"bcc", "readOnly": true}],
                                [{"name":"body","fullWidth":true, "readOnly": true, "customLabel": ""}]
                    3. Clear cache and refresh a web page.
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by Maximus; 03-18-2020, 11:01 AM.

