How can we make the Phone number stored with no special character. Through this it can be searched easily.
Automatically Remove Special Characters in phone number.
Actually espo saves phone numbers as entered and also in numeric format only in the database table phone_number.
If you wish to store a phone number in numeric format only for a custom entity, you can create a beforeSave hook for that entity and include this statement:
Code:$numericPhone = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $formattedPhoneNumber);
Actually espo saves phone numbers as entered and also in numeric format only in the database table phone_number.
If you wish to store a phone number in numeric format only for a custom entity, you can create a beforeSave hook for that entity and include this statement:
Code:$numericPhone = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $formattedPhoneNumber);
It didn't work. This is the code
Code:<?php namespace Espo\Custom\Entities; use Espo\ORM\Entity; class entest extends \Espo\Core\Templates\Entities\Base { // protected $entityType = "entest"; public function beforeSave(Entity $entity, array $options = []) { $phonenum = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $phonenum); } } ?>
You need to define the formatted number variable first and then define a NEW variable which will store the "clean" number. In your script you are defining "$phonenum" as a modified string of "$phonenum" which doesn't exist yet.
See the script: application/Espo/Repositories/PhoneNumber.php
Code:$number = $entity->get('name'); if (is_string($number) && strpos($number, self::ERASED_PREFIX) !== 0) { $numeric = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $number); } else { $numeric = null; }
You need to define the formatted number variable first and then define a NEW variable which will store the "clean" number. In your script you are defining "$phonenum" as a modified string of "$phonenum" which doesn't exist yet.
See the script: application/Espo/Repositories/PhoneNumber.php
Code:$number = $entity->get('name'); if (is_string($number) && strpos($number, self::ERASED_PREFIX) !== 0) { $numeric = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $number); } else { $numeric = null; }