IMAP with GSuite Label

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  • Lupre
    Junior Member
    • Oct 2019
    • 26

    IMAP with GSuite Label

    Hi folks i have a question.

    We pick up our emails from GSuite via IMAP. A certain label (folder) is fetched. That works so far well.

    If now an email is updated, e.g. by a reply, this reply (which is an update of this email) is no longer synchronized with espoCRM via IMAP.

    That means - the answer is in GSuite also in the appropriate label, but does not arrive in espoCRM.

    Does anyone know the problem, is there a solution or is this a bug?

    Best regards
  • Maximus
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2018
    • 2731

    > If now an email is updated, e.g. by a reply, this reply (which is an update of this email) is no longer synchronized with espoCRM via IMAP.
    Do you mean that your reply on the received message wasn't fetched by IMAP or reply on your reply wasn't fetched?
    Could you provide the steps to reproduce?


    • Lupre
      Junior Member
      • Oct 2019
      • 26

      Hi thanks for the answer,

      Step 1
      An email comes in via GSuite and gets the label CRM
      The email is transferred via IMAP to espoCRM

      Step 2
      You answer via espoCRM
      The email can also be found in GSuite in the sent folder

      Step 3
      The recipient replies to the email. The email still has the label CRM. The email is no longer transferred via IMAP to espoCRM (synchronized).

      This means that the subsequent correspondence does not arrive in espoCRM.

      I think this is a mistake. With IMAP also the synchronization with a certain folder must work.



      • Maximus
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2018
        • 2731

        I have tried to reproduce it on Personal Email Account with configured IMAP/SMTP settings. It works good.


        • Lupre
          Junior Member
          • Oct 2019
          • 26

          What does personal account mean? We are talking about GSuite and with GSuite the IMAP synchronization with Label does not work correctly. This does not work with any user and not with different espoCRM instances.

          That's a fact - sorry



          • Maximus
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2018
            • 2731

            Is there any error in the EspoCRM error log in the /data/logs directory?
            Have you tried to reproduce this issue?


            • Lupre
              Junior Member
              • Oct 2019
              • 26

              Yes, there's a mistake, I don't know what it means.

              [2019-10-25 00:00:06] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 5da7057e3bfa99fb5 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []

              Yes I can reproduce it for all users on different espoCRM instances. I already wrote that.


              • Lupre
                Junior Member
                • Oct 2019
                • 26

                We have fixed the folder error. This does not change the problem.

                If you synchronize the input folder with IMAP, it works. If you synchronize a certain folder it doesn't work.

                We have now tested this with 2 users on 2 different espoCRMs. The conversation is not completely synchronized.

                @ yuri / This is an error from my point of view



                • Maximus
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2018
                  • 2731

                  > If you synchronize the input folder with IMAP, it works. If you synchronize a certain folder it doesn't work.
                  What does it mean? It's not clear.
                  Also, could you tell whether reply from 3-rd side was stored in the Inbox folder, or in some other folder which you are not monitoring? Because EspoCRM will not fetch email from the folder that is not monitored (Personal Email Accounts -> IMAP -> Monitored Folders *).
                  Last edited by Maximus; 10-25-2019, 01:51 PM.


                  • Lupre
                    Junior Member
                    • Oct 2019
                    • 26

                    Hey, Maximus,

                    have you ever worked with Gmail or GSuite? Then you should know that at Google folder labels are called.

                    We have a label called CRM and this label is synchronized with espoCRM.

                    Of course this is set in the personal email settings. We are not stupid.

                    Now I do not understand what is not clear with my explanations.


                    • yuri
                      • Mar 2014
                      • 8714

                      > If you synchronize the input folder with IMAP, it works. If you synchronize a certain folder it doesn't work.

                      This is still not clear for me.

                      The question: is replied email located in the same IMAP folder, which is monitored by EspoCRM. Is it possible to check? I don't ask about labels now. It's not a part of IMAP protocol.

                      If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


                      • Lupre
                        Junior Member
                        • Oct 2019
                        • 26

                        Hi Yuri,

                        yes when i synchronize the input folder with IMAP, it works. When i synchronize a certain folder it doesn't work.

                        I can't say why Google calls folders a label. The messages are after the replay in the same folder (label).

                        I'm pretty sure Google implemented the IMAP protocol correctly. If you do the same thing with Outlook or Firebird, it works correctly with Google. We have tested this in the meantime.

                        Since I want espoCRM to get better and better, my suggestion was that you take a look at it yourself.

                        When you need other information or help to fix, every time.

                        Best regards


                        • yuri
                          • Mar 2014
                          • 8714

                          Hi Lutz,

                          We tried to sync a label folder and it worked well. Are you sure there is no more errors in log?

                          Can you confirm this (yes/no): Nothing is fetched from the label folder.

                          Can you provide a screenshot (or text of a field value) of Monitored Folders field of the personal account in EspoCRM. Is there one or multiple folders selected?
                          If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


                          • Lupre
                            Junior Member
                            • Oct 2019
                            • 26

                            Hi Yuri,

                            that seems to be a special Google problem. First we have found a solution.

                            I'll try to explain it:

                            You can tag or move a folder (label) at Google. The replied email traffic to a tagged email is visible in the tagged folder on Google, but can also be assigned to the folder Inbox an show in the inbox. This causes certain IMAP clients to stop synchronizing. Outlook, for example, does this anyway.

                            The solution is, always move the message to the folder. This will remove all folders (labels) except the one that is moved to. Then it works fine.

                            Unfortunately you cannot automate this scenario with Google, so you have to move all replys by hand :-(.

                            I thank you for your help and attention but I don't think you can help. Then we have to live with them.

                            I hope you could understand my explanation. And maybe that'll help other people.

                            best regards

