Is it possible for an account to have a field and a formula that calculate duration of all calls on account.
For example that did not work :
In Account -> Formula : when you update an account
durationCalls = entity\sumRelated('calls', 'duration');
duration or
TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, meeting.date_start, meeting.date_end)
Or another like
In Calls -> Formula :
entity\.AccountDurationField ....... = sum Calls Duration
I have read the doc and search on Forum but nothing.
Please HELP me. Thanks
Is it possible for an account to have a field and a formula that calculate duration of all calls on account.
For example that did not work :
In Account -> Formula : when you update an account
durationCalls = entity\sumRelated('calls', 'duration');
duration or
TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, meeting.date_start, meeting.date_end)
Or another like
In Calls -> Formula :
entity\.AccountDurationField ....... = sum Calls Duration
I have read the doc and search on Forum but nothing.
Please HELP me. Thanks