I'm not getting the view of Layout->Account->Details(Small) and its blank.
In the console view below error comesup,
"Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: layout.forEach is not a function
at child.readDataFromLayout (eval at _execute (loader.js:94), <anonymous>:136:20)
at child.eval (eval at _execute (loader.js:94), <anonymous>:115:22)"
attached screenshot for your reference. Please check and advice.
I'm not getting the view of Layout->Account->Details(Small) and its blank.
In the console view below error comesup,
"Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: layout.forEach is not a function
at child.readDataFromLayout (eval at _execute (loader.js:94), <anonymous>:136:20)
at child.eval (eval at _execute (loader.js:94), <anonymous>:115:22)"
attached screenshot for your reference. Please check and advice.