Retrieve information from a entity given the key is known in the BPM

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  • esendino
    Senior Member
    • May 2019
    • 158

    Retrieve information from a entity given the key is known in the BPM


    I'm working inside the BPM and need advice on how to address an issue.

    Description of the business need is as follows:

    I receive orders from customers who have on line details of products and quantities. This has already entities defined into espoCRM,

    With that information I need to generate a PDF as the picking list.

    For that I need with the code of the product to access to a table of products and and recover its description.

    I can't find a way to access the product table with the product code and retrieve the description from inside the BPM.

    I have seen all the formulas available at

    There I found record\exists that verifies if the product exists, but does not retrieve the description.

    Any suggestion of how this can be approached?

    I appreciatte very much any help

  • Maximus
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2018
    • 2731

    Could you provide more detail about what you want to do? Unfortunately, it is not clear for me.
    What Entities do you use? From what entity do you expect to get PDF? For what entity you are trying to fetch the description field data?


    • esendino
      Senior Member
      • May 2019
      • 158

      We are integrating espoCRM with woocommerce.

      At this point, each time an order is completed on woocommerce, we place an order on espoCRM.

      The order in espoCRM uses two basic entities
      - WC-Order that has the basic data of the order (the header)
      - WC-OrderLine for each of the lines of that order. WC-Order is related 1:N to WC-OrderLine. An Order has many OrderLines; at least one OrderLine for each product sold. It has some other OrdersLine related to shipping and taxes.

      In the WC-OrderLine records, the purchased product is identified by its code (There is a field ProductId)

      In addition to these two entities, we have another entity in espoCRM that works as a product master: WC-Products, with a ProductId key.

      WC-Products has the characteristics of the products on sale in woocommerce, including the product description.

      With these two entities, WC-Order and WC-OrderLine, we want to generate a PDF to send to our warehouse.

      Within the PDF, there has to be a line for each product purchased, containing the product code, the description of the product and the quantity contracted.

      The issue is how to get the product description within the BPM. In the OrderLine, just after being synchronized with woocommerce, we only get the product code.

      Before launching the PDF we need to complete with the product description. It seems logical to make a query to the entity WC-Product, retrieve the description and save it in the WC-OrderLine.

      And the problem is how can I make this query to WC-Product from the BPM?

      WC-Products and WC-OrderLine are not related. And that might be a solution. But we didn´t like that approach as we have just 11 products and thousands of orders, and thought make not much sense.

      Thank you


      • Maximus
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2018
        • 2731

        Originally posted by esendino
        The issue is how to get the product description within the BPM. In the OrderLine, just after being synchronized with woocommerce, we only get the product code.
        Before launching the PDF we need to complete with the product description. It seems logical to make a query to the entity WC-Product, retrieve the description and save it in the WC-OrderLine.
        And the problem is how can I make this query to WC-Product from the BPM?
        WC-Products and WC-OrderLine are not related. And that might be a solution. But we didn´t like that approach as we have just 11 products and thousands of orders, and thought make not much sense.
        I suggest you to use relation.


        • esendino
          Senior Member
          • May 2019
          • 158

          Thank you

