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Public Knowledge base

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  • Public Knowledge base

    Hello, I would like to use ESPO as main HelpDesk tool. How to allow public knowledge base in portal and other features would be available only for registered users as case registration?

  • #2
    1. To give or restrict access of the portal user you can by setting a portal role. (Administration -> Portal Roles). Here you can read more about the role:

    When it comes to business, data security has always been of extreme importance. It’s obvious that all the information your business stores digitally, especially when it concerns your customer database, has to be properly protected.

    What are Security Roles? How can one define what a user can and cannot do within a CRM system? In this video tutorial: Learn how to implement user security roles into EspoCRM system, find out how to restrict access to a specific information and define assignment, user and portal permissions to speci...

    2. You should add the knowledge base tab to the Tab List of the portal.


    • #3
      Yes, but how to do public kB?


      • #4
        1. Create a portal role with permissions for kB (see attachments);
        2. Create a portal user and set this portal role to him;
        3. Add kB tab to the Tab List of the portal in the portal settings.
        Attached Files


        • #5
          Thank you Maximus It's all clare, but... it's still asking for login. I would like to keep KB available for public usages and later on registered users can see tickets and etc. But KB is available for everyone.


          • #6
            Maximus Yes, I also need this function.


            • #7
              Unfortunately, it is not possible w/o rewriting a huge part of a system code.
              I guess it is easier to develop a script that will fetch KB out of Espo right to a public webpage.


              • #8
                Maximus , thank you for looking into this. As always, you're the best!


                • #9
                  I've created something like this for my company. Basically we've added few fields in Knowledge Base and now user can make specific articles available public. We didn't create whole list of article because we didn't need that but of course it's possible. Our espo create slug for articles which is visible in espo, using that slug, users can read specific articles outside of espo. Of course without login.

                  We even added something called secret link, this is a functionality which be more needed in the future when we'll add website with all publicly available articles. Thank to secret links, articles which are not available for public we can still show specific users through secret link. These links are using slug of article + secret string which is UUID.

                  For example:
                  Public link:
                  Secret link:
                  Last edited by emillod; 11-08-2020, 07:20 PM.


                  • esforim
                    esforim commented
                    Editing a comment
                    Tried both those link but getting a 404 Error

                • #10
                  esforim this in only an example to show how it may work. It's not working example.
                  Here you have working example, where all information are loading from our espo:
                  And here you have example of secret article with unique id in url:


                  • esforim
                    esforim commented
                    Editing a comment
                    Thank you. My apologies. Very interesting, wouldn't notice that it is an EspoCRM entity if you were just giving those link somewhere else.

                  • emillod
                    emillod commented
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                    esforim sure, no problem. It's just simple taking records from EspoCRM through API

                • #11
                  emillod - Is this a service that a person needs to purchase from your dev company, or something you can share how to do within the Forum or privately?


                  • #12
                    Originally posted by PhotoMommie View Post
                    emillod - Is this a service that a person needs to purchase from your dev company, or something you can share how to do within the Forum or privately?
                    Hello PhotoMommie
                    i would have to ask my partner, but i think i've already shared with community whole idea how it could be done. If someone have required knowledge, it's possible to develop that based on my description. On the other side is tool which is not finished yet(for example there is no part where user could list all public articles outside of EspoCRM), os i think that it would be something which we sell, because first we have to finish that. And we don't have need for now to do that only for our internal needs..

                    If you're interested, please contact me through email: I'll be more than happy to speak with you.
                    Please send me details what functions do you need. Of course it would be only one way of communication, i mean you can share articles, but users can't comment. But i think it would be also doable to create some kind of comments system based on Stream which is already there.


                    • shootify
                      shootify commented
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                      HI Emillod, the sample links dont work... 404 error. i will need this in the future. so i am following.

                  • #13
                    Hello shootify
                    yeah, we've rebuilt our webssite and url's are no longer working. Right now we're not using this functionality, maybe we'll develop something inside EspoCRM instead of external code.


                    • #14
                      Originally posted by emillod View Post
                      Hello shootify
                      yeah, we've rebuilt our webssite and url's are no longer working. Right now we're not using this functionality, maybe we'll develop something inside EspoCRM instead of external code.
                      i see... i think public kb is a feature we can ask for.


                      • #15
                        i think this can be a feature request along with the ability to have code blocks for easy copy and paste code

