Adding additional fields

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  • mfinster
    Junior Member
    • Oct 2018
    • 4

    Adding additional fields

    I'm adding a few extra fields to some of the entities, like "Beta User?" to our contacts for easier segmentation.

    When I then try to upload the contacts, I can't map those new fields. It seems that I have to manually add every field to every role that's supposed to view it and/or edit it. Do I need to do that for the Admin as well? I thought the Admin user would always be able to see and edit everything.

    Also: Is there an easier way of doing that? The user interface is pretty clunky for managing field access, as I first have to select (one by one) the fields where I want to set special privileges, and then in a second (or 12th, depending on the number of fields I'm adding), I can set the privilege on that field for every role. This seems rather time-consuming and complicated, as well as prone to error. Is there an easier way of doing that?
