Exponential formula via the user interface

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  • tanya
    Don't you have here additional variables? (not the entity field, but something like buffer for temporary calculations. If you have, it has to start with $)
    If you have currency fields here, did you define {fieldName}Currency field?
    Could you remove formulas, and add one by one to find the first problematic? (debug calculation)

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  • and8891
    Regarding the order of the execution of the formulas, I am not getting the desired results. All the formulas are in the Property Entity. In addition, when I save when creating a property, some of the complicated formulas show different results as when I reopen the same property again later in view mode, without clicking again on Edit.

    Please help me deal with getting the correct results.

    Here are some example formulas (all are integer or float fields):

    buildingage = 2019 - yearBuilt;
    bodenwert = coeff4 * square;
    priceperm2 = price / square;
    modernisierungtotal = modernisierungestimatem2 * square;
    yy = bruttogrundflache * coeff * baupreisindex;
    xx = yy + (yy * abschlagezuschlage);
    sachwert = (bodenwert + xx) * coeff2;
    bb = xx - modernisierungtotal;
    sachwertkauf = (bodenwert + bb) * coeff2;
    aa = rentm2avg * square * 9.6;
    bodenwertverzinsung = bodenwert * coeff3;
    ertragswert = bodenwert + (((aa - bodenwertverzinsung) * multiplikator) + (((aa - bodenwerverzinsung) * multiplikator) * abschlagezuschlage));
    totalinvestment = (anderekosten * price) + (auktionskosten * price) + (gerichtskosten * price) + (grunderwerbsteuer * price) + (modernisierungtotal * price) + (notarkosten * price) + price + (provision * price)

    Help is appreciated. Thanks.

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  • and8891
    Thank you, Tanya.
    Any suggestions about adding 'to the power of'?
    Any plans on including support in the near future?

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  • tanya
    'to the power of' is not supported

    but you can develop own function

    in the same time (before record saved) in order, you define in formula -> first assignment will be first, second is the next etc.

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  • and8891
    started a topic Exponential formula via the user interface

    Exponential formula via the user interface

    I am new to EspoCRM and I have been playing around and all I can say is it's great. I have installed the Real Estate extension.

    Is there a way to enter a formula that will allow the use of exponential numbers. For example, EntityFieldFloat3=((1+EntityFieldFloat1)^EntityFie ldFloat2)/(1+EntityFieldFloat1), where ^ means 'to the power of'.

    Also, if the abovementioned EntityFieldFloat1 was also declared in another formula above the EntityFieldFloat3 as EntityFieldFloat1=EntityFieldFloat4+EntityFieldFlo at5, would the system do the calculations for both at the same time?
    is the order of entering the formulas in any way relevant to the calculations?

    Thank you in advance.
