A few days ago we suddenly lost the ability to add new contacts and accounts. We fill out the form and then click save, both the save an cancel icons turn gray. Then if we put the mouse cursor over them they are a red crossed out circle icon. I am having the same issue across all of our accounts. I have also seen this behavior on multiple computers and in Chrome, Firefox, Internet explorer. Any idea where I can start troubleshooting?
New Contact and Business Issues
1. Where would I find a browser log?
2. The only items I see in (data/logs) look like the following
[2018-08-26 05:25:01] Espo.ERROR: CronManager: Failed job running, job [5b80e82f4dd2cdf7f]. Error Details: DateTime::__construct(): Failed to parse time string (2018-08-27 3:60:00) at position 14 (0): Double time specification [] []
[2018-08-28 13:18:02] Espo.ERROR: Process 5b854b7b0c911209c element rnawctzt6l send message error: [] []
[2018-08-28 13:18:02] Espo.ERROR: Process 5b854b7b0c911209c element u7v2w18wbz send message error: [] []
3. We have no formulas.Comment
I disabled all workflows and BPM while troubleshooting.
Browser Log when attempting to create a new contact:
Code:VM3369:367 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'toString' of undefined at child.fetch (eval at _execute (espo.min.js?r=1535038464:17), <anonymous>:367:58) at child.fetch (eval at _execute (espo.min.js?r=1535038464:17), <anonymous>:540:50) at child.fetch (eval at _execute (espo.min.js?r=1535038464:17), <anonymous>:429:44) at child.save (eval at _execute (espo.min.js?r=1535038464:17), <anonymous>:429:29) at child.actionSave (eval at _execute (espo.min.js?r=1535038464:17), <anonymous>:64:18) at child.click .button-container .action (eval at _execute (espo.min.js?r=1535038464:17), <anonymous>:133:38) at HTMLDivElement.dispatch (espo.min.js?r=1535038464:3) at HTMLDivElement.r.handle (espo.min.js?r=1535038464:3)