Workflow, how to link many address Postal Code to specify state?

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  • tanya
    I will do it with Formula. Code is the same, but workflow runs after record saved, Formula in Entity Manager - before. But if you want, you can use the same code in Workflow action Update Target Record. Also you can add a condition if postalCode was changed

    it has to be something like

    ifThen(postalCode == "00-000", state="the key of option 1");
    ifThen(postalCode == "99-000", state="the key of option 3");

    postalCode and state - field names of entity, you could check it in Entity Manager or select in attributes
    the key of option - check in Entity Manager as well. It has to be a key, not the translation.

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  • Workflow, how to link many address Postal Code to specify state?

    Workflow, how to link many address Postal Code to specify state?
    For example:
    In the Lead page is postal code and I will put there manualy postal Code 00-000 it would like system automaticly choose state number one (Enum List), In another case I will write 99-000 system assign state number three and etc.

    How I can set many parameters for one State in the Workflow?
