Calls/Meetings/Tasks don't like to Custom Entity when creating new ones..

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  • tanya
    you can add Event to the Meeting parent list in Entity Manager, but, as I remember, relationship panel want to fill own relation, not parent.

    Why isn't there a field "parent" type "Link Parent" in Quotes (Advanced Pack). I really need this so I can specify the types of entities

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  • ashballan
    I understand, thank you. Can you please tell me which files to look at to develop this relationship as parent-children? I should probably look at entityDefs of Account or Contact to copy from them the same to Event, no?

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  • tanya
    You developed this relationship as one-to-many, but not as-parent-children (this relationship could be create only manually)
    This field has nothing with parent field.

    Add in Layout Manager on Detail (Small) layout for Meeting entity the Event field and it will be filled, but not the parent field.

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  • ashballan
    Attached is the Event UI. Also attached screenshots when creating a new meeting for an account the parent account is linked right-away but the same doesn't happen for event.

    This is part of the Event.json entityDef:

    "meetings": {
    "type": "linkMultiple",
    "layoutDetailDisabled": true,
    "layoutListDisabled": true,
    "layoutMassUpdateDisabled": true,
    "noLoad": true,
    "importDisabled": true,
    "isCustom": true

    This is Meeting.json:
    "parent": {
    "notStorable": true,
    "entityList": [
    "required": false,
    "audited": false,
    "readOnly": false,
    "tooltip": false
    "event": {
    "type": "link"
    "links": {
    "event": {
    "type": "belongsTo",
    "foreign": "meetings",
    "entity": "Event",
    "audited": false,
    "isCustom": true

    Attached Files

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  • tanya
    How did you relate Event entity and Meeting. Screenshots of UI, please, and entityDefs

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  • ashballan
    It is an "Event" entity.

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  • tanya
    What entity type did you select, when you created Event entity?

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  • Calls/Meetings/Tasks don't like to Custom Entity when creating new ones..

    This is very strange. For Accounts and Contacts when you Schedule a Call, Meeting or Task from the Entity the view of the Call, Meeting or Task opens with the Account or Contact "pre-selected" as the parent for that Call, Meeting or Task.

    I created a custom entity called "Event" with relationships to Call, Meeting and Task but when I click "+" to add a new Call, Meeting or Task from Event the Event is not selected automatically as a parent. Although the Call, Meeting or Task DOES appear linked correctly in the custom Event entity (the event_id is correctly set in the database but the crm doesn't assign parent_type "Event" and the parent_id).

    How do I make the Event entity appear in the Call, Meeting or Task parent automatically like for Account and Contacts?
