Unfortunately, my Mass Emails don't go out and the "Date Start" time passes without anything is sent. I tried:
- Mass Email Test Button - That works, the emails go out fine and contact fields are mapped good.
- My Campaign status is "Active"
- My Mass Email status is "Pending" (why is there no "Active"? I can only select "Draft" or "Pending"...)
- I still worry about the cron and even asked for enhancement for better debugging. Still not 100% sure it's working ok; although the "red warning that I should configure cron" has disappeared.
- But another clue is that "Queue Items" stay empty. The docs dont explain anything about Queue Items. When should items appear in that Queue? After cron execution or when creating/updating the Mass Email?
- The same doc writes "Create new Campaign with a status Email or Newsletter.", but I have only status Planning, Active, Inactive and Complete...?