Import to Middle Table

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  • eugenio
    Junior Member
    • Jan 2018
    • 2

    Import to Middle Table

    Let's assume this scenario. We have created an Entity (Entity01) and we have linked it with Contacts using a Many-to-Many relationship. The Middle Table entity01Contact is created. We create the proper relationship panels in both pages and we can add multiple Contacts to each Entity01 and multiple Entity01s to each Contact.

    Checking the DB we can see the newly generated table, its structure and data.

    Now the question. Is it possible to populate that table using the Import function in your system?
    We have tried and we can't figure how and we always end with a set of parameters either for the contact info or the entity01 info missing.

    We have been able to create an external script and fill that table directly from MySQL, but would be nice to know if that is also doable from inside the interface.

    Thanks in advance