Help to add specific fields associated with a relationship

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  • panuweb
    • Jun 2015
    • 65

    Help to add specific fields associated with a relationship


    I need help to customize EspoCRM.

    I have created my own entity called Program (as training programs). This entity has a field related to the Accounts entity. The relationship is many to many because each account may have hired several trainings and in turn a training have been requested by several accounts.

    Until there everything ok.

    Now what I need is to be able to specify if an account has the program active or not, and the start and end dates that are particular to that account / program relationship.

    I thought of something like this:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	0001.jpg
Views:	0
Size:	58.8 KB
ID:	32949

    But there would be 3 fields: one of list (yes / no) and two of date.

    Now, the question is: Can I do this without programming? How?

    If I have to program it: how do I do it?

    So far I do not touch the code because I do not want to make a mess, but if there is no other option I would do it.

    Thank you

  • tanya
    Senior Member
    • Jun 2014
    • 4308

    If you want, that relation has 3 additional columns, you can't do it without programming.
    Closer to your sutiation is the relation between accounts and contacts - it has active/inactive mark and contact's title columns.

