Adding monthly sales for reports in Advanced Pack

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  • northstrider
    Junior Member
    • Jul 2017
    • 17

    something still goes wrong... After import of the customer data with users like "Peter Pan" (Espo user) into Account's "assignedUserId" it still gets an Error 404 clicking on the assigned user, for example in the list view. I noticed, that the little Avatar-symbol is missing (there is an empty space there) after the import. Then, showing the customer i.e. in detail view, I can assign manually "Peter Pan" and it works, the symbol shows up and I can call the user-dialogue.

    There is only "assignedUserId" in both Account and Opportunity during Import. I don't see any "assignedUser" in one of them during import-configuring the fields. "assignedUser" shows only up in Entity manager in Account and Opportunity as a field.
    Last edited by northstrider; 05-03-2018, 03:31 PM.


    • tanya
      Senior Member
      • Jun 2014
      • 4308

      Originally posted by tanya
      "I tried to import into "Assigned User" (field "assignedUserId" in opportunity) the name of the Espo-users. But it does not work right. The user's name is in the field after import, but clicking causes 404...
      Does the "assignedUser"/"assignedUserId" has to be = "Peter Pan"? or the signing-in name, which is set when creating an user? For example "pp" for "Peter Pan".

      field Assigned User Name - has to be Peter Pan
      if you use assignedUserId - it has to be and id field of user

      Set only one field in import. assignedUserId is better if you have it, but assigned user name is good as well. But use only one.

      The same with other relation. use {fieldName}Name field if you have Name only or {fieldName}Id field, if you have the id

      If Customer number could be empty or it could be not unique, don't save it in ID field. Otherwise you can import your number as id. But the future customer's id will be not integer, but default string ID by EspoCRM. If you want to leave it as integer, use own field
      Did you import users as well?


      • northstrider
        Junior Member
        • Jul 2017
        • 17

        When installing Espo, I set up 10 users (like "Peter Pan" and so on) for the employees, plus 3 for test and admin reasons. When importing the CSV (UTF-8 coded) customer data records into Account (or Opportunity) I updated the fields for "assignedUserId" with ie "Peter Pan" from the customer's CSV-record.


        • tanya
          Senior Member
          • Jun 2014
          • 4308

          in the database in user table Peter Pan is id or first name and last name?


          • northstrider
            Junior Member
            • Jul 2017
            • 17

            I guess we're getting closer... Peter Pan is first name and last name... (but where do I see the id? Is the id the user name I set up for logging in into Espo? That would be ie "pp" for first name "Peter" and last name "Pan").
            First tries of importing have been using "pp" for assignedUserId, which didn't work either...
            Last edited by northstrider; 05-04-2018, 07:55 AM.


            • tanya
              Senior Member
              • Jun 2014
              • 4308

              if Peter Pan is first name and last name, why do you want to use it as id. I asked you several times to use the field Assigned User Name to relate entities
              example of id field - '59c0e176887a5fb7b'
              it is a set of letters and numbers, has to be unique in the table


              • northstrider
                Junior Member
                • Jul 2017
                • 17

                Originally posted by northstrider
                Hi Tanya!

                I have fields for:
                Account: "assignedUser" (a user name, i.e. "rr" with forename "Robert" and family name "Richter")
                Opportunities: "assignedUser" (Link), (a user name, i.e. "rr" with forename "Robert" and family name "Richter")

                Assigned user, name of the customer and the two kind of numbers/id's of the customer should be linked between account and opportunity entities. But no matter what I try, I cannot make it work...
                Yeees... I'm no programmer, just a user trying to set this up. That's why I several times tried to describe detailed what I did, like quoted above. I would have loved to get the information, what the id of ie "Peter Pan" is. Where do I see this id field for Peter Pan like '59c0e176887a5fb7b' ? I will use it with pleasure in the CSV's, if I find it!


                • tanya
                  Senior Member
                  • Jun 2014
                  • 4308

                  If you have no access, to the database, you can export users (add ID field to the field list) and you will see the difference of the fields user name, name (first and last name), and id


                  • northstrider
                    Junior Member
                    • Jul 2017
                    • 17

                    That was the crucial hint! Wohoo... I got the id's, put them into the old original data records csv's and imported. Now the 1:n relation and the links to the assigned users are working perfect! It would have been very helpful to have known how about seeing internal id's before. It reminds me to a scavenger hunt. Some things are very user-friendly, easy and obvious to see and use in Espo, others demand a deeper effort. Now we have a working test-system for our new CRM. I like the system very much! Thank you, you helped me a lot!


                    • northstrider
                      Junior Member
                      • Jul 2017
                      • 17

                      Hello Tanya,

                      there is a new problem in importing opportunity data. After no longer working with the testing-data of only one month revenue, I tried yesterday to import the full data of about the past 15 years with around 80000 records (in idle mode, cronjobs are running, ie for backup of the database). After 5186 records nothing more happens, although status is still "In Arbeit" (I don't know what it is in English, maybe "Busy"). I remember I came across this phenomenon before, that sometimes import runs through with big amount of records in idle mode, and sometimes not (with the same data!). I tried to cope with it by splitting the data in small parts. But for this case it would be too much work. The test-month had 800 records and even here sometimes only about 400 were imported - although with 400 imported it then said "Fertig" (complete)!


                      • tanya
                        Senior Member
                        • Jun 2014
                        • 4308

                        could you attach the file in PM? (you could replace private information)

