Map fields and columns, you want to update and one unique field (name or some number), and next to that unique field check Update by box
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Import of hotel properties - too many field to be uploaded successfully
Import of hotel properties - too many field to be uploaded successfully
Hi all! I've had some problem importing data that has alot of fields in our CRM. I tried to upload 10 fields but it did not successfully upload, i therefor had to reduce to import only 6 of the fields while remaining fields I had to fill in manually which is quite alot considering we have imported 500 properties with fields that need to be filled.
Is there anyway to do a second import of the remaining 4 fields for the same properties? I tried this but everytime i did this the import got overrided. meaning I successfully imported the 4 fields while the previous 6 fields now dissappeared (went empty). There should be a way to improt remaning fields without loosing the previous ones right?
Looking forward to your reply!
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