Opportunities by user

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  • viliando
    Junior Member
    • Oct 2017
    • 4

    Opportunities by user

    Hi everyone first i want to say is "Sorry about my English" i'm trying to make something diferent with dashlets but can't finish it.
    I use Opportunities by stage and try to convert to Opportunities by user. Need this for my manager of team to can see opportunities for every user without any filters and searches.
    Everything works fine but how to change in legend to show user_names not user_ids.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Opportunities-by-stage.jpg
Views:	327
Size:	27.1 KB
ID:	31863

    Changes is in:

    add new public function "reportByStageTeam"

    public function reportByStageTeam($dateFrom, $dateTo)
            $pdo = $this->getEntityManager()->getPDO();
            $options = $this->getMetadata()->get('entityDefs.Opportunity.fields.created_by_id.options');
            $sql = "
                SELECT opportunity.created_by_id AS `stage`, SUM(opportunity.amount * currency.rate) as `amount`
                FROM opportunity
                JOIN currency ON currency.id = opportunity.amount_currency
                    opportunity.deleted = 0 AND
                    opportunity.userteam = 'team-web' AND
                    opportunity.close_date >= ".$pdo->quote($dateFrom)." AND
                    opportunity.close_date < ".$pdo->quote($dateTo)." AND
                    opportunity.stage <> 'Closed Lost' 
                GROUP BY opportunity.created_by_id
                ORDER BY FIELD(opportunity.created_by_id, '".implode("','", $options)."')
            $sth = $pdo->prepare($sql);
            $rows = $sth->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
            $result = array();
            foreach ($rows as $row) {
                $result[$row['stage']] = floatval($row['amount']);
            return $result;
    edit public function in


    add if $level=='team' to load reportByStageteam

    public function actionReportByStage($params, $data, $request)
            $level = $this->getAcl()->getLevel('Opportunity', 'read');
            if (!$level || $level == 'own' || $level == 'no') {
                throw new Forbidden();
            if (!$level || $level == 'team') {
            $dateFrom = $request->get('dateFrom');
            $dateTo = $request->get('dateTo');
            return $this->getService('Opportunity')->reportByStageteam($dateFrom, $dateTo);
            $dateFrom = $request->get('dateFrom');
            $dateTo = $request->get('dateTo');
            return $this->getService('Opportunity')->reportByStage($dateFrom, $dateTo);
    And this work but two days i try to show USER_NAMES not USER_IDS and can't do that
  • tanya
    Senior Member
    • Jun 2014
    • 4308

    Do you know sql?
    in select query opportunity.created_by_id AS `stage` you ask to return id, but want, that system returns you the name... not logically you can join user table to be available users name or execute one more query to load pairs user id and user first and last names and set this value as a key in your resulting array


    • viliando
      Junior Member
      • Oct 2017
      • 4

      May be need a lot of help to do that. Can you help me please. I realy don't know how to join and use user table.

