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Side panels have changed order

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  • minbar
    commented on 's reply
    OK, although as I have said it's not just iOS devices its also Safari on the Mac as well...

  • tanya
    commented on 's reply
    Sorry, I have no devices with iOS for testing and fixing

  • minbar
    Hi Tanya,
    I have had a look at the code and compared it to a fresh download of Espo and seems to be the same, i’m not a programmer so I have to say not all of it makes sense to me. So now I’m stuck and not sure where to go from here to solves this issue, do you have any more suggestions of where to look?

    Many thanks

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  • minbar
    It only seems to relate to Cases, all the other entities look normal.

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  • tanya
    Does related only to Cases or to all entities have history?
    The main file is client/src/views/record/detail-side.js method alterPanels

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  • minbar
    Hi Tanya,

    Can you please tell me where in the code the order of the panels in the cases entity is? As Safari loads this correctly on your demo site but not on my install there must be something somewhere thats causing it, although why its only Safari that does this I don't know Chrome and Firefox work normally. I know this is a minor issue but its driving me nuts..


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  • minbar
    Hi Tanya, I already have updated to the latest version (4.8.4) and the latest advanced pack if that makes any difference and cleared the cache via Espo and the browser but it hasn't solved the problem. The layout looks the same as it does on the demo site, unless I'm looking in the wrong place? Screen shote attached.
    Attached Files

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  • tanya
    Update to the latest version, clear local cache, check the layout of side panel in Layout Manager

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  • minbar
    Hi Tanya, I tested this by going to the demo on the Espo website and the side panels display correctly so it’s an issue with my install which only affects Safari. Any further ideas what’s causing this or how I can put them back in the right order?

    Many thanks

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  • minbar
    Sure, my iOS version is 11.0.2 on my iPad Pro 12" and my iMac is running macOS High Sierra 10.13 with Safari version 11.


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  • tanya
    Could you write the versions of IOS, Safari, device name, which you use, please?

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  • minbar
    Hi Tanya.. It never used to display on my iPad like this until recently and its the same on Safari on my Mac, I have attached screenshots of the same side panels in Safari and Chrome on my Mac.
    Attached Files

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  • tanya
    For all mobile versions side panels are shown after relationship panels. Could you attach your screenshots?

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  • minbar
    Anyone seen this or have any idea what is causing it? Maybe its a bug?

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  • minbar
    A little update on this one, it seems that the panels are only out of order in Safari (on Mac or iPad) but not in Google Chrome. I have tried clearing the cache in Safari but that didn't help, any ideas?

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