entityManager -> account -> edit: search fields

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  • wtconseil
    Active Community Member
    • Apr 2015
    • 335

    entityManager -> account -> edit: search fields

    Hi there

    Currently, in Accounts entity, my search fields are "name and email".

    But when i try to search with the default search input, and write "Paris" (for example), it does'nt find my account called "Villed de PAris".

    I think by default, it searchs with a filter "starts with" ?

    Currently, i have to use the filter feature to add "name" -> "contains" : "Paris" to find that account.

    Is it possible to change easily the default behaviour to find like "%$mysearch%" ?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture d’écran 2017-09-25 à 12.44.54.png
Views:	485
Size:	45.2 KB
ID:	31303
  • wtconseil
    Active Community Member
    • Apr 2015
    • 335

    Hmm, after digging into the code, i saw in SelectManagers/Base.php that :

    PHP Code:
    protected function textFilter($textFilter, &$result)
            $fieldDefs = $this->getSeed()->getAttributes();
            $fieldList = $this->getTextFilterFieldList();
            $d = array();
            foreach ($fieldList as $field) {
                $expression = $textFilter . '%';
                if (
                    strlen($textFilter) >= self::MIN_LENGTH_FOR_CONTENT_SEARCH
                        !empty($fieldDefs[$field]['type']) && $fieldDefs[$field]['type'] == 'text'
                        !empty($fieldDefs[$field]['type']) && $fieldDefs[$field]['type'] == 'varchar' &&
                ) {
                    $expression = '%' . $textFilter . '%';
                } else {
                    $expression = $textFilter . '%';
                $d[$field . '*'] = $expression;
            $result['whereClause'][] = array(
                'OR' => $d
    So, i just added in my config.php file :
    PHP Code:
    +    'textFilterUseContainsForVarchar' => true, 
    > rebuild

    and it seems to work :-)))

    Once again, so happy to have chosen this open source projet :-))

    One suggestion: it could be great to be able to configure that behaviour entity per entity

    For example, in Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/entityDefs/Account.json
    it could be great to be able to override this behaviour

    PHP Code:
    + "collection": {
    + "sortBy": "name",
    + "asc": true,
    + "textFilterFields": [
    + "name",
    + "emailAddress",
    + "phoneNumber"
    + ],
    + 'textFilterUseContainsForVarchar' => true,


    • wtconseil
      Active Community Member
      • Apr 2015
      • 335

      This setting option cannot be configured through the UI. Any reason ?

      Do you think we should update

      to properly set *textFilterUseContainsForVarchar* there ?

      Let me know if you want that i open a PR for that ?
      (cc tanya )


      • tanya
        Senior Member
        • Jun 2014
        • 4308


        It's great that you found a solution in a short time
        Sorry, don't need this.



        • wtconseil
          Active Community Member
          • Apr 2015
          • 335

          Ok thanks for you feedback, so i don't implement and don't open a PR for that

