401 (Unauthorized)

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  • tanya
    Download a new EspoCRM and install on this server

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  • Waqar Alvi
    I did not understand what do you mean by an empty instance?

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  • tanya
    If you install one more empty instance, is it available for you and other employees?

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  • Waqar Alvi
    Hello Tanya,

    The issue persists..Like on the other devices other then company's, it worked fine initially but now those devices are giving the same error as well.
    I am just locked out of the crm.
    Kindly help..

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  • tanya
    Google is more useful than I)
    Request depends on OS
    Also check AntiVirus (you can stop it for some time and check if espo works), if you have it.

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  • Waqar Alvi
    I checked with my mobile data internet on the company PC's and it still did not work.
    So the problem is not with the company wifi as well.
    The problem is with the company PC's.
    Kindly help if you have any idea about what setting in the PC is causing this problem to espo crm.
    I would be really grateful.
    Thank you.

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  • Waqar Alvi
    Can you help me with the firewall settings please?
    Like which firewall setting is not allowing the espo crm to log in and authenticate.
    Please let me know if you have any idea what it could be.
    I checked on other PC's other then Company's and the espo crm worked fine on those.
    The problem is with Company PC's.

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  • Waqar Alvi
    I used the same Wifi of the company on the mobile as well and it worked fine.
    I will check with other PC's other then the company's to make sure if there is a problem with the company PC's.
    Thank you so much for the help.
    I will get back to you tomorrow.

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  • tanya
    PC's in the company use the same Software in general. When you logged in with Mobile Phone, did you use local wi-fi or mobile network? Ask you system administrator - did he/she do any secure settings like IP varification or something else.

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  • Waqar Alvi
    I was just planning to upgrade to the advanced version and purchase it until this error occured.
    This crm is perfect for our company's requirements.
    I just need to fix this problem to proceed.

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  • Waqar Alvi
    The issue is not just on my PC, all the PC's in the company are unable to log in and give the same error.

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  • tanya
    look for the problem in firewall, or antivirus, or browser extensions (at first switch off the last one of the list)

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  • Waqar Alvi
    And yes, on the mobile i have access to espocrm in different browsers but not on PC.
    I apologize as I was not aware of the General Public License. I will change the footer asap.
    Thank you.

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  • Waqar Alvi
    The following is a list of errors in the espo log:

    [2018-05-02 06:12:40] Espo.ERROR: API [GET]:/:controller/action/:action, Params:Array ( [controller] => Activities [action] => popupNotifications 401 (Unauthorized) ) , InputData: - Action 'popupNotifications 401 (Unauthorized)' (GET) does not exist in controller 'Activities' [] []

    [2018-05-02 06:12:40] Espo.ERROR: Display Error: Action 'popupNotifications 401 (Unauthorized)' (GET) does not exist in controller 'Activities', Code: 404 URL: /crm/api/v1/Activities/action/popupNotifications%20401%20(Unauthorized) [] []

    Please let me know if this helps.
    Thank you.

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  • tanya
    could you login with mobile phone in different browser? (to know is the reason with device firewall or browser extension)

    very weird, that access is only restricted to safari browser.

    P.S. back EspoCRM in the footer

    * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU General Public License version 3,
    * these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "EspoCRM" word.

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