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Workflows on related entities

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  • Workflows on related entities

    I'm wondering if it's possible to create a workflow like so:

    1. When email is sent to a contact within an opportunity, the value of one of the fields in opportunity will be changed.

    2. When incoming email is received related to an opportunity, a field in opportunity will be changed.

    Basically I want to have a flag in opportunities to say how many times I tried to reach out to that contact before so i can stop contacting them. Every time i contact them and they have not replied still, i would increment an integer. If i get a reply and incoming email is registered with that opportunity, then I will reset the counter to 0.

    Can this be done with espo workflows? I was not able to set this up in your demo.

  • #2
    it is not possible to update parent with workflow. Only with action Run Service Action.
    Or write a logic hook. The are a lot of related topics on the forum

