I got it now, i also had to change recordsPerPageSelect = 10000
Records per page setting over 200 generates error 403: access denied
You will have to change also the display of the records in Administrator->User Interface->Records per Page to the desired valueLeave a comment:
I set 'recordListMaxSizeLimit' => 10000 and 'recordsPerPage' => 10000 in the config.php but i still only go in 200 steps. It now say 10.000 as i choose. But if i try to change to 5000 and then press save i get an error that 200 is still the maximumLeave a comment:
Thank you very much! I changed the value and it also changes in the setting but still only 200 records get shown when i press on load more in the LEADS section.Leave a comment:
you will find this value in the file data/config.php around line 190
'recordListMaxSizeLimit' => 300,
But be careful with increasing, there maybe a point, where it could slow down your database significantly.Leave a comment:
i have the same Problem and
const MAX_SIZE_LIMIT = 200;
does not exist in either of these files. Could you please provide a solution?
ThanksLeave a comment:
const MAX_SIZE_LIMIT = 200;
Change, if you need. More data - more time for execution.Leave a comment:
We have exactely the same problem. Users complain that on a list with 800 entries to extend the view in 5 contacts per click takes way to much time to quickly screen and check the list.
Would be great if you could change that.Leave a comment:
So how can you delete a large number of records without it taking forever? I had several thousand emails in a personal email account that I wanted to trim down to just the last year of emails. I've literally been working on it for a couple hours and I'm still not there. I assume I could go into the database and do it, but that seems sort of a backward solution to me.
I really like so much about Espo but the couple of clients I've tested it with both have brought this issue up as a problem for them.
Chris BlairLeave a comment:
200 records per page is a maximum allowed value by system
ThanksLeave a comment:
Records per page setting over 200 generates error 403: access denied
I've been having a problem on several different installations of Espo on AWS instances. If I set the records per page to anything over 200, I receive an "error 403: Access Denied," and nothing displays. If I set it to 200 or below. Everything works fine. This is a huge problem when you have large lists of contacts or loads of old emails you need to delete.
Here's what's in the Espo log:
[2017-05-04 20:05:26] Espo.ERROR: Display Error: Max should should not exceed 200. Use pagination (offset, limit)., Code: 403 URL: /espoabbey/api/v1/Email?folderId=inbox&maxSize=201&offset=0&sortBy=d ateSent&asc=false [] []
I'm not exactly sure what's that message is suggesting. Any help appreciated.
Chris BlairTags: None
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