I enabled targets and added records with names, emails, etc. I now want to add a target to a "target list". All I can add to target lists at this point are contacts, leads, users and accounts. How do I add another panel to the target list view other than the 4 listed above so I can select "targets"?
Getting Targets on a target List
Targets weren't included in a huge part of functionality. To have an ability to add this panel (any panel), you need to have a relationship.-
Clarification is needed on "Targets weren't included in a huge part of functionality."
Looking at v 5.7.11 targets don't appear in the menu as depicted here https://www.espocrm.com/tips/target-lists/
Have they been removed?
Is there now some special way to turn them on?
Does "huge part of functionality" mean they only worked in part of the program and not in others?
So I have managed to add the relationships and the panel required to add targets to a target list. It looks like it is working. However, when I try to send mass emails to those specific targets they are not sent. Leads added are sent but targets added are not sent. Any ideas?Comment
Hi @brscpa.com,
You need to add a Target list tab. Open Administration -> User Interface -> Tab List -> Add -> Target List. After saving the changes, press F5 to reload a webpage.Comment