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Tasks side panel in Call edit

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  • Tasks side panel in Call edit

    Is there a way to have the tasks side panel appear when in the call edit screen (detail) so that I can create a task for the parent (lead) while still recording the call.

  • #2
    Don't think so. But you can use for this Quick Create (Plus button on the top of the page). It doesn't reload the basic page, but you have to set parent field manually.
    But you can develop everything, what you need and is not included in basic crm version
    Last edited by tanya; 02-03-2017, 09:20 AM.


    • #3
      Thanks tanya, the quick create button isn't ideal as the users may not be very tech savvy and we may have the odd case with account names being identical (same name), i.e. the more we can automate the better.

      any pointers where I can find some instructions on this? Have been looking for something for a couple of days and tried to understand the code behind all of this before asking.

