I tried to link a newly-created foreign field named "Lead Account Name" under Tasks to an existing varchar field named "Account Name" under Leads. I then made a new task for an existing lead, but the Lead Account Name shown in the task detail view is "None" instead of the name shown for the existing lead's Account Name. When creating the Lead Account Name foreign field, I specified the following: Type - Foreign; Name - leadaccountName; Label - Lead Account Name; Link - Lead; Field - Account Name. I didn't modify anything in the Dynamic Logic area -- all options were left as "None." Am I doing something wrong?
New Foreign field for Tasks not linking to existing varchar field for Leads
Before adding the new foreign field under Tasks, I created a one-to-many relationship between Leads and Tasks -- see the attached screen shot. When I add a foreign field under Tasks, "Lead" is one of the available selections for the Link and "Account Name" is one of the available selections for the Field. This is on EspoCRM 4.4.0. Any guidance will be appreciated. -
That works, provided you select the name of the lead first in the new "Lead" field created as the result of relating tasks to lead with a linkMultiple field. See the attached screen shots. Then, the foreign Account Name field under Tasks, which I have named "Lead Business Name," is populated with the lead's account name. However, this is a redundant step. It would be more elegant if the foreign field would show the account name for the lead selected in the task's Parent field, without having to separately populate the new "Lead" field. So, once the task's parent is selected as a lead with the lead's name, the lead's account name would be automatically shown in the foreign field.
Last edited by krisk; 02-04-2017, 07:09 PM.Comment