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Is it possible to turn off the Unsubscribe link in mass e-mails?

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  • Is it possible to turn off the Unsubscribe link in mass e-mails?

    Hi. We are using EspoCRM to manage e-mail communications both within a consortium and with external parties. Consortium members have agreed explicitly to receiving E-mails from us. When we send mass E-mails to our consortium members, they see an unnecessary Unsubscribe link (occasionally exposed as a raw https links - when the author has set up plain text messages in his e-mail server?). Is it possible to turn off the Unsubscribe link - so that we can add it manually when required for external mailings?

  • #2
    It seems it isn't from possible the outside. But you can use this as the opt-out link (insert link): {optOutLink} - this will prevent the automatic opt-out link from showing. As text for this link use a dot somewhere at the end of your email and white as font color. This won't prevent the link from showing in text only emails but at least you got 99% covered.
    Robert Laussegger
    iscon group

