I'm looking for manages roles on Espocrm.
i understand how it work for the pages.
But, is possible to set a roles for the user to see only a specific category?
Inside at the task page i have create 3 different category (Enum type).
When i create a task i set a category for it.

is possible to set one category is for one specific user and he don't see the other?
For example:
create new "taskXYZ" and set in category1 (Enum type).
after i set the access for the "category1" to "user1".
Now, in the task resume page, only user1 can view the task marked with "category1" and not the other user
Is this possible?
hope in a reply many thanks to all
I'm looking for manages roles on Espocrm.
i understand how it work for the pages.
But, is possible to set a roles for the user to see only a specific category?
Inside at the task page i have create 3 different category (Enum type).
When i create a task i set a category for it.

is possible to set one category is for one specific user and he don't see the other?
For example:
create new "taskXYZ" and set in category1 (Enum type).
after i set the access for the "category1" to "user1".
Now, in the task resume page, only user1 can view the task marked with "category1" and not the other user
Is this possible?
hope in a reply many thanks to all