Translation (into Chinese)

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  • kobax
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2016
    • 11

    Hi, sorry for replying so late ...

    been so so busy recently.

    please find attached the translated PO file.
    there might be few translations missing or some being not accurate. (but note that the translation was done by a native chinese, not online translator)
    I didn't have the time to go through again ...

    admins : please help to make it available
    Attached Files


    • jtttt
      Junior Member
      • Feb 2017
      • 16

      Originally posted by kobax
      Hi, sorry for replying so late ...

      been so so busy recently.

      please find attached the translated PO file.
      there might be few translations missing or some being not accurate. (but note that the translation was done by a native chinese, not online translator)
      I didn't have the time to go through again ...

      admins : please help to make it available
      Hi kobax!

      Don't worry about being late

      Thanks a lot for uploading the file. I had a quick look and I think the translation is rather problematic. A good example is 'Leads'. When I ran it through Google Translate it would translate it with the metal 'lead', obviously wrong. In your translation it is translated as 'leader', which also isn't the intended meaning.
      I guess the translator doesn't have a background in CRM?

      So I left the my translation on the POEditor project site as-is, feel free to edit strings there, though.

      I think what we need is a native Chinese speaker that knows about CRM (with some time on his / her hands ).


      • kobax
        Junior Member
        • Sep 2016
        • 11

        Hi jtttt, I mentioned in my previous post:

        there might be few translations missing or some being not accurate
        you had a quick look at it, can you confirm the entire translation is problematic ?

        I repeat I did not have the time to go through again, but if there is problem with at most about 10% of the entire translation, I do not think we can say the translation is rather problematic, this is already a huge progress towards a 100% fully usable translation (which I know it is not at this time) and surely can be put in semi production .... time and maybe other users will then help to perfect it.

        according to the information I have the translation should not be problematic for its biggest part (but I might be wrong), yes indeed the translator has no CRM background, that's why I said there might be some terms that are not correctly/accurately translated.
        For those terms, I will need to go through by myself, one by one, with a native speaker, in order to find the right/good/accurate translation. But busy as I am .... I'm not sure when I'll be ale to do it.

        I think what we need is a native Chinese speaker that knows about CRM (with some time on his / her hands ).
        we might need to wait for an uncertain time .... except someone's willing to get the cash out


        • Atlantids
          Junior Member
          • Apr 2017
          • 9

          Originally posted by kobax
          Hi jtttt, I mentioned in my previous post:

          you had a quick look at it, can you confirm the entire translation is problematic ?

          I repeat I did not have the time to go through again, but if there is problem with at most about 10% of the entire translation, I do not think we can say the translation is rather problematic, this is already a huge progress towards a 100% fully usable translation (which I know it is not at this time) and surely can be put in semi production .... time and maybe other users will then help to perfect it.

          according to the information I have the translation should not be problematic for its biggest part (but I might be wrong), yes indeed the translator has no CRM background, that's why I said there might be some terms that are not correctly/accurately translated.
          For those terms, I will need to go through by myself, one by one, with a native speaker, in order to find the right/good/accurate translation. But busy as I am .... I'm not sure when I'll be ale to do it.

          we might need to wait for an uncertain time .... except someone's willing to get the cash out
          I have finished it to 100%
          But I do not know how to put it to my own site to preview

          Can someone help me?


          有人可以帮忙 教我如何操作预览吗?


          • yuri
            • Mar 2014
            • 8709

            Originally posted by Atlantids

            I have finished it to 100%
            But I do not know how to put it to my own site to preview
            Do you mean translation on poeditor site? I can generate files for you.

            If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


            • yuri
              • Mar 2014
              • 8709

              Attached Files
              If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


              • Atlantids
                Junior Member
                • Apr 2017
                • 9

                Originally posted by yurikuzn

                Do you mean translation on poeditor site? I can generate files for you.

                Originally posted by yurikuzn

                Thank you very much for giving me help.
                I saw the results of my translation at my own test site.
                I found that it was necessary to do a lot of fixes to make it look better.

                How do you get the po file to generate such attachments?
                If the operation is not very complicated, I think I can try myself.
                If I still can not generate it, then please forgive me every time you need help.


                • yuri
                  • Mar 2014
                  • 8709

                  You need to have node js installed.
                  If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


                  • jtttt
                    Junior Member
                    • Feb 2017
                    • 16

                    Originally posted by kobax
                    Hi jtttt, I mentioned in my previous post:

                    you had a quick look at it, can you confirm the entire translation is problematic ?

                    I repeat I did not have the time to go through again, but if there is problem with at most about 10% of the entire translation, I do not think we can say the translation is rather problematic, this is already a huge progress towards a 100% fully usable translation (which I know it is not at this time) and surely can be put in semi production .... time and maybe other users will then help to perfect it.

                    according to the information I have the translation should not be problematic for its biggest part (but I might be wrong), yes indeed the translator has no CRM background, that's why I said there might be some terms that are not correctly/accurately translated.
                    For those terms, I will need to go through by myself, one by one, with a native speaker, in order to find the right/good/accurate translation. But busy as I am .... I'm not sure when I'll be ale to do it.

                    we might need to wait for an uncertain time .... except someone's willing to get the cash out
                    Of course it's not the whole translation that is problematic, but rather the key phrases.

                    Atlantids (who is a native speaker) has been cleaning up some of the automatic translation I put up on POEditor and I think we're making good progress.


                    • jtttt
                      Junior Member
                      • Feb 2017
                      • 16

                      Originally posted by Atlantids

                      Thank you very much for giving me help.
                      I saw the results of my translation at my own test site.
                      I found that it was necessary to do a lot of fixes to make it look better.

                      How do you get the po file to generate such attachments?
                      If the operation is not very complicated, I think I can try myself.
                      If I still can not generate it, then please forgive me every time you need help.
                      You can download the .po file straight from the POEditor project site and then use it to build the .json files. After that

                      Build json files from the translated po file:
                      1. Put your po file espocrm-zh_CN.po into build directory
                      2. Run node lang.js zh_CN

                      Json files will be created in build directory grouped by folders.

                      yuri I just copied and edited above syntax, would that be the correct way to do it?


                      • kobax
                        Junior Member
                        • Sep 2016
                        • 11



                        • yuri
                          • Mar 2014
                          • 8709

                          Just copy files over existing and clear cache.
                          If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


                          • Atlantids
                            Junior Member
                            • Apr 2017
                            • 9

                            Originally posted by kobax
                            嗯 我考量了一下 确实不太合适
                            最初的考虑是有线索了 然后在挖掘商机 拿下商机 成为客户

                            我这就去修改翻译 希望官方每次发布版本的时候都能用上最新的翻译

                            另外 Account 这个在英文里面很好理解 是个账号之类的
                            而中文里面 直接翻译成客户 也不是很合适
                            在espocrm里面一个Account的类型可能是客户 也可能是投资者、伙伴、经销商
                            我原想翻译成“实体”但容易和entity混淆 也有点奇怪
                            这个地方很是纠结 最终我还是翻译成“客户”毕竟是客户关系管理 主要还是用于客户



                            • linguopaper
                              Junior Member
                              • Oct 2017
                              • 3

                              Originally posted by Atlantids

                              嗯 我考量了一下 确实不太合适
                              最初的考虑是有线索了 然后在挖掘商机 拿下商机 成为客户

                              我这就去修改翻译 希望官方每次发布版本的时候都能用上最新的翻译

                              另外 Account 这个在英文里面很好理解 是个账号之类的
                              而中文里面 直接翻译成客户 也不是很合适
                              在espocrm里面一个Account的类型可能是客户 也可能是投资者、伙伴、经销商
                              我原想翻译成“实体”但容易和entity混淆 也有点奇怪
                              这个地方很是纠结 最终我还是翻译成“客户”毕竟是客户关系管理 主要还是用于客户

                              For the "leads", what about translating it as "潜在业务机会"? This could be closer to its original meaning, I assume.

                              For "Account", could we consider "业务伙伴" or "业务机构"? Compliment from A.C.T. Translation.
                              Last edited by linguopaper; 11-02-2017, 06:35 AM.


                              • Amigo
                                Amigo commented
                                Editing a comment
                                Leads 我是翻譯為商機,但其實這裡有很多細微的分界,會被切割為不同的階段:

                                List -> Leads -> Prospect -> Opportunity




                                另外,Account 並不是公司,例如中國石油是一家公司,但下面有許多營運單位,例如管道局,就大到需要有專門的 Account Sales 來負責。因此,Account 比較像是帳戶的概念,就像每個人在銀行會有許多不同的帳戶,分別對應不同需求。

                                我有翻譯 Zurmo CRM 的英文介面為繁體中文,不知道 ESPOCRM 的翻譯原始檔案在哪裡,或許我可以翻譯為繁體中文,歡迎各位協助潤飾為適合中國的習慣用語。