E-Invoicing. Need help with generating XML attachment in BPM Formula

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  • Laimonas
    Senior Member
    • May 2021
    • 221

    E-Invoicing. Need help with generating XML attachment in BPM Formula

    Hi everyone,

    I’m having trouble generating an XML attachment (for E-Invoicing purposes) and sending an email to the client using a BPM formula.
    (No problem sending XML and PDF manually from the Invoice record by pressing the button "Send in Email").

    To generate a PDF, I use: $pdfAttachmentId = ext\pdf\generate(ENTITY_TYPE, ENTITY_ID, TEMPLATE_ID, [FILENAME])

    But how can I generate an XML file in a BPM formula? Is there a specific formula for this?

    If I would like to use the "Send in Email" BPM Service Action - it only includes a PDF template, but I don’t see an option for an XML template. Is there a way to include XML as well?

    Thanks in advance for your help!
    Attached Files
  • yuri
    • Mar 2014
    • 8708


    It was not supported in the service action.

    Please try the new v2.6.4 version. It should work there. You need to set the default e-invoice format in the settings. Please let me know if it still does not work for you.
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    • Laimonas
      Senior Member
      • May 2021
      • 221

      Thanks a lot, we added "format": "Peppol" and this configuration is working: { "templateId": "TEMPLATE_ID", "format": "Peppol", "emailTemplateId": "EMAIL_TEMPLATE_ID" } .

      And for the future, it would be great if we could add more parameters from the Email, such as "replyTo", "cc", "bcc"


      • yuri
        yuri commented
        Editing a comment
        Note that the "format" in the JSON does not play role here.
    • Laimonas
      Senior Member
      • May 2021
      • 221

      Yes, you are right, CRM sends an email with PDF and XML attachments using default JSON: { "templateId": "TEMPLATE_ID", "emailTemplateId": "EMAIL_TEMPLATE_ID" }

