I've been getting an error 0 showing in a red flag at the top for months. Eventually it goes away after I ignore it and the software works as it should. It appears to be something that is unrelated to the server since nothing anywhere is logged, however I was able to dig in using the browser inspect and saw this. Let me know how to correct:
GET https://classatransport.org/crm/api/...action/grouped net::ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR
(anonymous) @ espo-main.js:31502
b @ espo-main.js:31605
request @ espo-main.js:31457
getRequest @ espo-main.js:31578
checkGroupedPopupNotifications @ espo-main.js:66729
(anonymous) @ espo-main.js:66739
checkGroupedPopupNotifications @ espo-main.js:66739
(anonymous) @ espo-main.js:66739Understand this errorAI
crm/#EmailTemplate/create:1 Uncaught (in promise) w {errorIsHandled: false, onreadystatechange: null, readyState: 4, timeout: 60000, withCredentials: false, …}
GET https://classatransport.org/crm/api/...action/grouped net::ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR
(anonymous) @ espo-main.js:31502
b @ espo-main.js:31605
request @ espo-main.js:31457
getRequest @ espo-main.js:31578
checkGroupedPopupNotifications @ espo-main.js:66729
(anonymous) @ espo-main.js:66739
checkGroupedPopupNotifications @ espo-main.js:66739
(anonymous) @ espo-main.js:66739Understand this errorAI
crm/#EmailTemplate/create:1 Uncaught (in promise) w {errorIsHandled: false, onreadystatechange: null, readyState: 4, timeout: 60000, withCredentials: false, …}