How to connect to the EspoCRM MariaDB?

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  • calebwalker
    Junior Member
    • Nov 2022
    • 6

    How to connect to the EspoCRM MariaDB?

    I'm hoping this is an easy one. I installed EspoCRM about a year ago through the docker. It automatically installed the CRM, NGinx, letsencrypt and MariaDB. I am trying to back up the database so I could potentially move to another server or recover from a fatality. How in the world do you connect to the db and do this backup. The config-internal.php file is as shown:

    'database' => [
    'host' => 'espocrm-db',
    'port' => '',
    'charset' => NULL,
    'dbname' => 'espocrm',
    'user' => 'espocrm',
    'password' => '<string of characters>',
    'driver' => 'pdo_mysql',
    'platform' => 'Mysql'

    at the bottom this is also present:

    'actualDatabaseType' => 'mariadb',
    'actualDatabaseVersion' => '11.6.2',
    'webSocketZeroMQSubmissionDsn' => 'tcp://espocrm-websocket:7777',
    'webSocketZeroMQSubscriberDsn' => 'tcp://*:7777',
    'instanceId' => '66514066-62b9-4d0b-b397-7d3cc825ae3e',
    'adminUpgradeDisabled' => false,
    'cleanupAppLog' => true,
    'cleanupAppLogPeriod' => '30 days'

    that username doesn't work nor does anything in this file. There is nothing about a db in the config.php. Everytime I try to connect I get 'can't connect to server on 'localhost' (115). if I use the host in the config, espocrm-db, it says cannot connect to the host, BECAUSE IT DOESN'T EXIST! Where does that host even come from or go to?

    I just performed the update to 9.0 but the upgrade commands would not work, I had do a docker pull espocrm/espocrm to get it to work. A lot of the reason I want to move to another server is so I can install the db and CRM separately because there is so much mystery around this docker installation.
  • emillod
    Active Community Member
    • Apr 2017
    • 1429

    If you used official docker compose, then mysql is stored in volume mysql.
    Installation with Docker - EspoCRM Documentation

    If you want to connect to docker container, you should use docker exec. You can also go to /var/lib/docker/volumes, where linux store all volumes.

