I have two entities: A and B. Entity A has many Bs. I want to update a value in A after unlinking one B from the collection of Bs. Which hook should I use to accomplish this? Thank you
Which Hook to Use for Updating Entity A After Unlinking a B?
Hello alohatech
Here you have a list of hooks: Hooks - EspoCRM Documentation
Based on the description afterUnrelate seems the best. -
Like this?PHP Code:<?php namespace Espo\Custom\Hooks\A; use Espo\ORM\Entity; use Espo\Core\Hooks\Base; class AfterUnrelate extends \Espo\Core\Hooks\Base { public static $order = 10; public function afterUnrelate(Entity $entity, array $options) { // Fetch all B records related to this A $BList = $entity->get('Bs'); $total = 0; // Initialize as 0 // Sum the price values from all related Bs records foreach ($BList as $B) { $total += (float) $B->get('price'); } // Update the total field in the A entity $entity->set('total', $total); } }