Asking about Role permission

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  • trungtvmso
    • Jun 2022
    • 70

    Asking about Role permission

    Dear yuri

    When I set "edit" role to own, I tried to edit my own created record (not auto assign to my user account) I could not see the edit button. So we need to assign my created record to my owned account then do any change, right? Because I'm still thinking that we could do any change on any record what we've created but no need to assign.

    Just a small question.
  • esforim
    Active Community Member
    • Jan 2020
    • 2205

    Unless you have access to the record either through Team or AssignedUser you can't make change to it. Admin excluded.

    That why I convert many of mine to "AssignedUsers", that way many people can work on a single contact.

    If you create it and it didn't get Assign to you, and you don't have Team access, the Record will "disappear" from you after creation. But if you log in as Admin or Team or as someone who got "AssignedUser" you can see it.

