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Enabling OIDC doesn't change login page?

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  • Enabling OIDC doesn't change login page?

    This is surely the silliest question, but in EspoCRM 8.1.4, I've:
    • set my authentication method to OIDC
    • turned off 2FA
    • configured the required OIDC fields on the /#Admin/authentication page
    • turned off both fallback login options
    • turned on OIDC login for admin users
    And the login page continues to be the standard username/password login page. Looking at GitHub issues suggests there should be a sign-in button and/or a pop-up, but there are neither (I've pre-emptively allowed pop-ups on the site, just in case). When I load the login page (using my base URL) logs only show a query for a user with a username of 'system'. I've done a rebuild/clear cache. I've restarted php-fpm and nginx. I'm in an incognito window and caching is disabled in the dev tools.

    It won't accept my normal Espo credentials to get into the system (with fallback disabled), so something has changed.

    What am I missing in order to get OIDC fully working?

  • #2
    Do you have any customizations? Maybe a custom login view?


    • #3
      Ah-ha. I had an extension that provided a theme I wasn't even using, and just having it installed apparently replaced the login screen. Thank you!

